Please pray for this unborn baby......

Urgent call to prayer!!
Please if you will join me in lifting in prayer a very sweet young couple who are expecting a baby, the mother went to the dr for her 8 week appointment and found that there was no heartbeat, she is yet to miscarry and prayers are needed for this little unborn angel. 

Father we come to you on bended knees asking that you cover this sweet lady and her unborn babe with your love, Father we know that thy will be done and we are asking that you touch this fetus and bring it to perfect health, that you cover both mommy and baby with your hands and provide for them peace, calm, and comfort. If indeed you have special, specific need for this gentle spirit please Father let there be no pain in letting go. Bless this mom and dad with knowledge they know as truth that we will be reunited in the eternities with all who have gone before them. Bless them with peace in their hearts in knowing that your love will sustain them and carry them through no matter what storms they may find themselves in. We love you so much Father and ask for these mercies, favors, and blessings in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen

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