Raising a child is tough.....

Hello and happy Thursday, sorry I am late getting blogged today, I had a lovely visit with a sweet friend this morning and then the icing on my cake, my phone chat with Megan and Chalmers....I long for these chats and am not complete until I have talked to them both!

You know raising a kid these days is tough, I am amazed at parents that have more than one to raise and stand in awe at the adults that I knew as children and the wonderful paths they are taking in life. Facebook has allowed me to get to know many of them and I salute the parents who instilled such wonderful core values in them. I have friends here in Utah that are much younger than I, well most all of them I could be their mother, it just amazes me at what good parents they are and at the values they are instilling into their own children! 

As many of you know my Megan had a baby in May, her first! She is my only child and really has never had much dealing with little ones. Megan is the type that would rather spend time with the elders in this world and has great compassion and love for giving her time to them. As for children she was never really around them much and did not know much in the way of mothering...I stand amazed that she is not only being mommy to my grandson but has taken on the duty of raising two other little boys due to some unfortunate circumstances. Derek and Megan went from one little fish in the frying pan to three active fish in the frying pan. Although there have been tough times for her and she has been frazzled and ready to pull her hair out by the roots, she is maintaining and doing a wonderful job. I skyped with she and her little family on Christmas evening and it was heart warming to see how the little boys love her, they sat in her lap the hugged her and they genuinely love her. I talked to her this morning and even though she falls short at times she is really being "a mom" she is stepping up to the plate, she is nurturing, she is caring, she is doctoring, she is being everything I prayed she would be as a grown woman. I miss her terribly, her being several states away, but I now see this is what God had planned for her, she had to go away from me to become independent, she had to go and find her forever mate, and she had to be allowed to spred her wings and fly! I am very much pleased to say my baby is not only flying she is SOARING, higher than even I could ever have imagined. She will be beginning college classes at the end of the month and has finally decided that she wished to teach grade school children. I know she will be the best there is at teaching, the love I see in her heart is so beautiful and any child that has her as a teacher will be blessed abundantly. 

I am so thrilled with the way life is taking shape, it is not going to be breezy easy but it is going to be so worth it for her to finish her schooling and to be a mentor and a teaching force for children down the road. All I can say is Thank you Father God for placing this little angel in my arms, thank you for steering me in the right direction in raising her, thank you for helping me to get through the pain of her moving away from me, and THANK YOU for guiding her down the right path into the arms of love, into the arms of peace, into the arms of calm and into the arms of comfort. I am filled with joy to see how the plan came together and am excited to see her grow educationally and to see how the plan plays out. 

You know if we all take time to sit back and look at the big picture we can see the "why's" the "how's" the "what's" and we can smile and say to God, I now understand! I get it!!!! No matter what you are going through today, if you will have faith and believe that there is an end to the mania and that one day you too will smile and say "I understand" One of my favorite quotes is.. 

"God is working things out for you, even if you don't feel it have faith and be thankful. Where faith and hope grows, MIRACLES BLOSSOM!" 

Cling to faith and hope and allow God to work miracles in your life! 
Thank you Father God for knowing what was best for Megan and for allowing her to spread her wings and soar!!!

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