Throw down the woe and pick up the go!!!

Good morning and happy Monday. It is not as cold out this morning and although the skies are a hazy gray, there is an attempt at sunshine which is most welcome and appreciated. I pray your morning is going well, that the ugly MONDAY beast has not been on the attack in your world today and that you are filled with love, love, love and more love as you go out and conquer the day. 

I am sitting watching the presidential inauguration this morning and have found that I am enjoying it very much, I have laid down my thoughts on the things have transpired over the last years, I have laid down all the hearsay, all of the dysfunction, all of the he said, she said, and prayed for the state of our great nation. I have prayed for the President that he will be led and lead us into better times, that our Country will remain free, that we will continue to be allowed freedom of religion and the wonderful blessing of openly praying. We all have our opinions, we all have our visions as to how things should be done, but when it comes down to it....we are where we are, we are in this moment, we all are searching for a better life, for a better America, for peace and for comfort. We have to lay down the swords that fly from our mouths and come together, we have to get into the mindset that we can make a difference, we can help to make things better, we can once again grow and prosper. It is time for us to stand united, we have to quit banging heads and do what God needs us to do, we have to overcome dissension and come together for what is best for these United States. Yes we are going to disagree, we are going to worry, we are going to wonder...but we have the greatest of the greatest in our corner..He has not let us fall, he has been pushed around and basically pushed out...but it is not to late to ask him to come back in, it is not to late to once again fall unto our knees and beg him to lead and guide us during the storms that are sure to come....We must trust in his lead and follow his direction. God is the foundation of our country, he is what it is based on...Let us all pray this very day that HE take over and bring us to where he needs us to be. Let us suport our President, let us throw down the woe and pick up the go..

My Prayer for America

For more than five decades we have drifted away from the principals God set forth when he created this great country. We have deluded ourselves into thinking that we could replace God’s laws with the laws of man. This has created a society where anything goes, where there is no right or wrong. My hope is that we can band together to change our country. I truly believe we can do this by getting on our knees and praying to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

My prayer is not that we will not pass laws to make abortions illegal, but that there will be no one seeking abortions.

My prayer is not that we will make pornography illegal, but that they will go out of business due to lack of business.

My prayer is not that we will pass laws regulating morality, but that the people of this great country will become great again because the word of God is written upon their hearts.

My prayer is that God will give us God fearing leaders who seek his counsel and forgiveness. That God will put these men and women into positions of leadership in our governments, our schools, our businesses, our little leagues, our civic organizations and in our churches.

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