Have you ever made a poor choice????

Good morning and happy Friday to each of you! I am sitting from behind my glass watching it snow once again...It was nice seeing a bit of grass, even if it was dead grass, for a few days, something we have not had the pleasure of seeing in well over a few months...today all the "straw" is once again buried in the white fluff that so many love in the winter...I do like the snow, but in small doses not for months on end....Sunshine and 70 is my mantra for the coming weeks, I know spring is there somewhere, I just really am hoping that it will make a showing soon! 

In prayer this morning I prayed for a family who has certainly been served a bitter plate as of late, this family endured 8 gut wrenching months of watching as a baby placed in their lives struggled with liver issues, this family has banded together through the heartache of seeing this ever grinning baby suffer, hurt, be filled with sickness but never complain...He smiled, that was his gift to all who knew him, either in person or through social media...So many came and banded together for this family, offering love, support, emotional assistance, physical assistance, and spiritual assistance. I personally have read accounts written by this little ones grandfather, gut wrenching accounts of the love he has for this baby and how his heart was aching for him. I have followed the story since it began and cried right along with everyone else when his little soul was taken and risen up on angel wings to be placed beside our Father in heaven for all time and eternity. I know many of my readers followed him and his short life and fell in love with his family! Which brings me to my writing today....my first question to each of you is....Have you ever made a bad choice? Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever gotten yourself into something that was undesirable or maybe even illegal?
I have read so many things of facebook that I am sickend by, yes what has happened now to this family is devastating, what is happening now is hurtful to the community, what is happening now is being broadcast and what is happening now is "poor choice" and "big mistake" but how can you sit here only a few weeks ago and open your hearts to this family, how can you have offered all of your love and assistance and now bash this family, how can you have loved so deeply and now sit on the thrown and act as if God has given you free reign to judge? Love is unconditional, that is what is preached throughout the bible....God is based solely on love, Jesus Christ died on the cross because of this love, he did not pick and choose who he would die for, he did not sanction anyone out... many of them had physically hurt him, many of them had spit, hit, beat, kicked, mocked, and you name it....HE DIED FOR THE VERY ONE THAT ABUSED HIM...how can you sit there and judge this family? how can you sit there and use bitter words against them? how can you sit there and act as if you were a friend to them and now become so bitter?..Yes I know the choices that were made are wrong, but do you have the answers as to why these choices were made???? God knows! Do you know what motivated this man to do what he has done? God does...Are you the judge???? ONLY GOD IS. I think that we need to gather in prayer and firstly ask for forgiveness for the petty way in which many have acted, for the hurtful things that have been said to and about this family, we need to pray for forgiveness for pretending to love and then doing a take back just because there were errors in judgement and bad choices....We need to ask for forgiveness in acting as a friend and then swiftly becoming the enemy. This man is no doubt going through HELL as we speak, he is not doubt embarrassed, ashamed, remorseful, filled with repentance in this HELL he has made for himself....would it not be better for us to pray for him, to pray that whatever has brought him to this point be addressed and we ask God to bring him back to health internally? Is this not what true Christians should do...pray for him, not banish him, not belittle his family, we need to stand unified and support his family as they are going through yet another violent storm in an ocean that seems to be filled with never ending rage. 

To this family I pray for peace in your hearts, for calm in your minds, and for comfort in your bodies. I stand before God and ask him to allow this man to feel HIS love, to allow him to know that HE is with him through all that is to come and that HE will never leave nor forsake him. We all make poor choices Father, we all make decisions that are not pleasing to YOU and we all have to repent, me on a daily basis, for the things we have done. Bless this man with comfort Father, open his eyes and his heart and allow him to know that you are listening to his prayers, that you are a forgiving God and that you will stand with his family providing for them what is needed. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray for all concerned. Amen.

prayer about forgiving others

Lord, I bring to mind this man that I write about as you know him personally,
I bring him before You

Many feel hurt by him now,
Right now we confess any negative feelings we have about him
I forgive the wrongs that he has done towards his family and his city.
For any deliberate or unintentional things he has done
That have caused others pain
In the best way that we know how,we fully forgive him

I release him to You

Now that we have forgiven him
we choose not to hold any grudges towards him.
Thank you that as we are praying now
You are freeing our inner world to live again
Free from resentment, pain and bitterness
Filled with joy, freedom and love

"...forgive us our sins,
      as we have forgiven those who sin against us."

Matthew 6:12 (NLT)

"...bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, if any man has a complaint against any; even as Christ forgave you, so you also do"

Colossians 3:13 (WEB)

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