I found myself feeling so very loved, so very secure, so very safe ...

     Good morning and happy Tuesday, it is once again very hazy and snow is falling...we had two sunny days so I am a bit rejuvenated and have a better mindset to cope with more winter blues...It is funny how the weather can affect our moods, try as I may to be upbeat and happy during the winter, the lack of sunshine can really begin to get me down....I am up today, I am filled with love and I am happy:)

     This morning as I sat here in the dark quiet of my little box apartment, I could feel God's love wrapped around me softly whispering, it is all going to be okay child, I could feel the Holy Spirit whispering, keep doing what you do, keep sharing the love that you have, keep praying for better days, they are just beyond the horizon and in MY perfect time your hearts desires will be yours. I began to cry as I sat here for I knew what God was referring to...Many of you know that I have been praying fervently without ceasing that I will be given a way to move to Kansas to be closer to my daughter and my precious grandson....with each passing day I feel more and more like there will never be a way. We have no funds to make a move, our little put~put van will not take us there and we would have no way of securing a rental when we got there...thus somedays I feel like I am fighting a losing battle. I decided last night to practice what I preach, to lay it all at God's feet and this time not pick it back up...It is easy to tell others to give it over to God but it is not as easy as it sounds for we always tend to pick it back up and pile it back upon our shoulders....when I laid down last night I decided once and for all that if it be God's will to take me out of Utah and move me to Kansas then it will happen, in his time....NOT MINE. So when I awoke this morning, before I even got out of bed I reminded him that I had laid it at his feet and that I would not be picking it back up...As I moved from the bed to the living room and sat down in my chair I began to feel the robes of God gently pull me in as if saying to me, I have this Dawn, I have a great plan for you, hold fast to your faith and allow me to handle the details, I found myself feeling so very loved, so very secure, so very safe and I am filled with hope...for the first time in a very long time..I AM FILLED WITH HOPE, that this will come to pass. 

      Do you have any prayers that you feel are falling on deaf ears? Have you prayed and prayed not to ever see an answer? Do you give it to him and then pick it back up? I promise that in my finally realizing that I was doing this and finally deciding last night that I was done with the take back...I feel clean, I feel wonderful and I know that God is right here with me and he is telling me that I am going to be just fine! I pray today that you will once and for all give your worries over to God and that you too will feel his robes of love wrap themselves around you. It is an empowering feeling, it is a healing feeling, it is beautiful and it is right...

        Today I would like to ask you to pray with me for all who are hurting, for all who are in need, for all who are struggling, for all who are battling disease, for all who are filled with worry, for all who are filled with pain, for all who are dealing with the loss of a loved one, for those with anger, with addiction with financial woes, with relationship issues, with unruly children, for all who are feeling lost and in the dark, for all who are so in need of Christ as their Savior...There are so many who are in need of a lighthouse as they battle fiercely the storms of life....So many are feeling unloved, useless, worthless, doomed....so many have lost their way and are walking on a road that is full of stones...Let us pray that God will wrap his robes around each and every one of us today, that he will take the sadness and turn it to joy, that he will take the pain and turn it to relief, that he will take each issue and allow the suffering a day of knowledge that it will get better, that he will provide a way if they will just have faith and believe. Father God we come to you this morning asking that you provide for each of us what is needed today,  that through Jesus Christ you will hear our specific prayers and you will show us that you hear, that you will touch our hearts with your love, that you will calm our minds with knowledge and that you will comfort each and every one of us with your calm. Father we love you, we trust in you, we admit that we sometimes think our way is best when it is not. We know that you have a great plan for each of us and we stand at the ready this very day to allow you to work through us. Lead us and guide us dear Lord and show us how to follow you! In the name of our Savior we lay these prayers at your feet and believe that you will allow us to hear you today! 

NOTE: As I was writing my blog the sun began to shine through the haze and the snow stopped falling....I know this is a sign that God is ready to bless each of us as we pray this morning!!! Have faith my friends...A better day is coming!!! Thank you Father God for giving me this sign as a validation that YOU are hearing our prayers!!!!

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