Good morning and happy Monday to you!!! We have a bit of sunshine...YES glorious, soul warming, smile on my cheeks, has been so long since we have actually seen the sun shining and it is amazingly beautiful to me!! I am doing the happy wheel chair dance at the moment and putting a little cha, cha, cha on to the end of it!!! It never ceases to amaze me at the joy I feel when the sun is boldly in the sky, shining down on me, it does not even matter that it is 18 degrees outside with a crisp breeze...I am wrapped in my "Betty blankie" sitting out on the porch with my head tilted back catching ever ray that I can!!!

Today the news is abuzz with the "stepping down" of the Pope...there is much talk about prophecy and the "end of times" So many are declaring that it is time to begin to get ready, that the world will soon end, that bad times are coming...Truth be known, this has been coming for a very long time, we have all known...if we follow the book of Revelation what is to happen, what is to become, what is going to take place....and still we do many think there will be plenty of time to "make things right" WHY, are we waiting? WHY have we not lived our lives in preparation for this, WHY are we continuing to do what we are doing, in the knowledge that it is not pleasing to GOD? I sit here day in and day out and ask myself the very questions I am typing...WHY, WHY, WHY...I sin daily, I am not nor do I ever declare that I do not...I make poor choices and have un~pure thoughts each day that I live, try as I may....I still do and then I repent and ask for forgiveness for having these thoughts....I judge, even though I know it is wrong, I have my opinions and I judge what others do and say...I get frustrated and depressed, I get down and out and feel that I do not matter, that I am not loved, that God has stepped away from me...when I know this is not truth. God will never step from me as long as I have faith...therefore I consider myself a sinner when I allow my faith to wane.....The one thing I do know is that I am prepared for whatever is coming our way, I am prepared to die for God, I am prepared to stand firm against the anti~ Christ, I am prepared to suffer at his hand rather than deny my love for Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. I am ready for whatever is cast in my direction...I know that God will not let us down!!! So in closing I am just saying to you....yes it is time to make is time to get "right" with yourself, to accept Christ into your heart and really know what this means, it is time to let go of all the pettiness in your heart, to let go of anger and pride, to let go of selfishness and small minded thoughts...IT IS TIME TO LOVE WITH ALL OF YOUR BEING...IT IS TIME TO CHANGE WITHIN AND ALLOW OTHERS TO SEE THAT YOU LOVE GOD, THAT YOU LOVE JESUS CHRIST AND THAT YOU LOVE YOURSELF...Let it go and Let God prepare you for what is to come...remember you can't take anything negative with you when you enter paradise,.....WHY are you holding on to any of it still.....If you are scared, if you are getting yourself all worked up about what is coming......then make some changes, go and look in the mirror and see what you can do to make sure you are going in the right direction...if you are in the right place, if you are on the right track, then pray for those who are not, be the example they need to get where they need to be, don't be embarrassed to share the word of God with others, don't deny them the right to hear what you have to say, what GOD NEEDS YOU TO SAY...we might just be in the end of are you going to spend them???? Living in fear???? scared and alone??? or are you going to do what you know is needed from you....are you going to SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH OTHERS??? Okay enough of my soap box...just thought I would let you get a feel of my take on the subject. It really is not that hard, live as you know God wants you to live, do everything you can to strengthen your faith, do everything you can to be a shining example of good and be willing to take someone by the hand and show them what God is all about....

I pray this day you are filled with God's grace and favor and that you are ready and willing to open yourself up and share his love with whomever is in need! In the name of Jesus Christ I ask mercy and blessings for all. Amen...

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