Leave a little color in someone's heart today!!!

Good morning and happy Monday, I pray this morning finds you filled with joy and laughter and  ready to get out there and have a fantastic day. Remember you and you alone control how your day goes, others might try to drag you down, they might try to put out your shine, they might try to anger you...but it is up to you if it is allowed! Don't let anyone steal your joy, don't let anyone turn your smile into a frown, don't let anyone push you down!!!

It is another beautiful morning here, the sun is shining and although the view of the mountain is obstructed with a bit of haze, I can still see the snow cap with all their glory! I am sitting by the window in my little box apartment and loving life, I pulled out the bird feeder yesterday and had Wayde fill and hang it on the front porch area, I have yet to see a bird eating this morning but my heart is happy in knowing that there is good fresh seed for them and that if they seek it they will find it and won't have to peck the frozen ground in search of sustenance. I love watching them eat and get there little bellies filled! 

This morning as I was preparing for my day, I was in deep prayer and conversation with Father God and I kept being reminded of the ones who have been lights in my life, the ones who have accepted me for who I am and who have loved me unconditionally. I have had many friends in my life, and as the saying goes "God does not give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be." I am so very thankful for the ones he has blessed me with in my life, yes some have hurt me....deeply....some have come and gone never to be heard from again, and some are here with me now, they have seen me through the most fierce of storms, they have helped me through my lowest of times, they have allowed me to help them through the rough patches and they have allowed me to love them with all the love I hold in my heart. When God presents us with the ones that are unconditional we need to hang on for dear life, for if we have but a handful of friends the day we take our last breath, life will have been worth all the bad, it will have been worth all of the hurt and it will have been worth all of the pain. Friendship is rare, there are many who are like sheep but all to often we find they are wolfs only wearing sheep's clothing, these are the ones who cause us much pain and these are the ones that we must walk away from, never to let them eat us up with their personas again. It has taken me 51 years to realize that most every person on earth has an angle, they are all seeking something for themselves when they do something nice for others...when was the last time you did something nice for someone just for the sake of being nice....I pray the answer to this is "always" I pray that you are the kind of friend that is in it to win it, in it for a lifetime, in it to be the best that you can be without expectation of reward or what is in it for you!!! Be the person that comes in to the lives of another just to be able to sit quietly when a friend needs it, to offer a smile when a person's life seems only to contain frowns, to offer a hug when a heart is broken and to offer unconditional love at all times....Be a real true friend to someone in need today! God placed each of us here for a reason, it is not for what we can get...it is for what we can give. No matter if you are placed in another's life but for a moment, make that moment be the best moment you have ever given someone. I have fond memories of people way back in my youth...I remember the kindness of a friends mom when I was in elementary, she will forever be one of my best memories....I have people that have come and gone in a flash but who have left "purple" in my heart...when I say you left "purple" in my heart it is a good thing, purple is my favorite color and it is a blessed thing to have purple left in the heart! 

Today if you do nothing else I ask you to be kind to everyone that crosses your path, don't let the ticks of the day overcome you, don't let the ugly in life shadow you, each person in life has hardship, some are just better at masking it than others, each person in life needs kindness....why not be the kindness they need. Look at them directly when you ask how they are doing today, smile at them with your eyes not just with your mouth, allow them to feel your heart thorough your words! You never know when your kindness might make the difference as to whether they live or die...Be the kind of friend you are in need of and you just might get a huge surprise...they may be just the friend that you have been longing for! I pray your day is filled with light, that you share that light unconditionally and that each smile you give away comes back to you 10 fold. You never know until you try!!!

Leave a little color in someone's heart today!!!

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