URGENT....CALL TO PRAYER, please come and pray with us!!!!

Prayer Warriors there is need this very moment for fervent prayer...if you please will join me in lifting these prayers it would be greatly appreciated and I am sure so very humbly received by our Father in heaven...

"Please put my oldest grandson on your pray list, he had a 4 wheeler accident this pass sat nigh and messed up his left hand and they ended up cuts off some of his fingers. He needs prayers for his recovery and my daughter needs prayers also, it will be a long road for their family."

Father God we come to you on bended knees asking prayer over this 17 year old who has suffered this horrific accident, Father we ask you to bless him with knowledge that he will heal totally and that the loss of his fingers although devastating will not deter him from his life goals. Father take the pain he is suffering and calm it so that he can rest peacefully and heal completely. Give him peace in his mind that this is not the end of his dreams but that it is only the beginning of his adulthood, that he can achieve anything he desires and can be the best at it if he pushes himself to do so. Father bless his family that they might understand that accidents happen, that there was nothing that could have been done differently and that the blame that is being cast should be laid to rest so that love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding can be had by all. We ask these favors, mercies, blessings, and healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

also please join me in prayer for a 12 year old young lady who lost her battle to cancer today, she is now walking the golden road to stand at the right hand of God and is soaring where angels soar. Father God we do not pretend to understand why this has happened but we do trust in you that you will hold her and keep her until her family is called home to be with her once again, we know that she is in the best of hands and is in a place that knows no pain, no suffering, no upset, no war...she is in paradise where there is only love and beauty. Father God we come to you on bended knees asking that you pull each family member and loved one of this child into you lap, wrap them gently with your robes of comfort and allow them to sob into you until they are ready to stand on their own, Father give them comfort in their hearts and allow them the knowledge that they will be united one day, that they will be greeted at the gate by her, standing there in all of her beauty, arms opened wide, a huge smile on her face, eager to show them the place she has prepared for each of them, waiting to show them the glory and beauty of her existence. Pull them close Father and allow them knowledge that you really are there, that you do exist and that you are with them every step of the way! Allow them the spirit of their daughter being close to them today so that they can feel her and realize that she will always be with them in their hearts. Father we ask these favors and mercies in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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