A personal truth of the HOLY SPIRIT and how I was protected from harm!!!

Good morning and happy Saturday!!! We have glorious sunshine this morning, it is still bitter cold outside but the winds have died down so being out on the porch is tolerable...I am in my sweats and wrapped in my "Betty blankie" so as they say..."it's all good in the hood" LOL

In prayer this morning I felt as if God were sitting beside me on the couch, as if he were holding my hand and allowing me to lay all of my fears, my angers, my goals, my hopes and my dreams out for him. He sat there so gently and tenderly that I just wanted to crawl up in his lap like a small child does to their daddy and feel the "everything is going to be okay" feeling that all dad's give. I began to cry and at that moment I felt a strength come over me that told me..."it IS going to be okay" Your dreams and goals WILL come true if only you will trust in my timing and will allow me to make the path clear and flat for you" I am going to do just that, instead of racking my brain and sitting and trying to understand why there are such road blocks in my way I am going to totally and wholeheartedly trust what I felt this morning. I know that God was speaking to me through the Holy spirit and I know that his words are golden...I am feeling much more positive today and I will wait patiently for him to take my hand and take me to Kansas! 

There are so many we have been lifting in prayer this week, so many who are struggling with health problems, so many who are dealing with loss of loved ones, so many who are dealing with finances and the lack of, so many who are ambling so lost in the darkness not knowing if their next step will be the one that drops them into the pit of fire, so many who believe but do not know where to turn, so many who have forgotten to look up and take the hand of God so that they can begin to live a wonderful and amazing life. I lift each of you in prayer every morning and night, I pray that you to will open your eyes and allow God to sit next to you, to wrap you in his robes of love and fill you with a hope that you have never experienced. God is the only way, we must accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Savior and we must follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, he will whisper things to you that you know are right but he cannot make you obey him...that is where your faith and your trust come in, when you are being prompted follow his lead...even if it is something as small as smiling at someone, as small as giving hug to someone in need...you never know when that someone is put there in front of you to see just what you will do!!!

After my prayers this morning I tried to find a story that would tell you about the power of the Holy Ghost and could not come to one that impressed me, as I was searching the Holy Ghost kept telling me to tell an account that happened to ME...I have many but this is the one I feel that I am being prompted to share..

I worked as a manager of a motel here in Utah when I first came here almost 20 years ago, I was the night manager and my apartment was part of the office. Megan and I loved our little place and never once to this point had I ever felt fear in opening the office in the middle of the night to rent a room to a weary traveler...this particular night the door bell rang and I crawled out of bed and began my way to the office to open the door, all of a sudden I felt fear, a fear like I had never felt before, I ignored it as silliness and began to walk to the office when I felt a hand stop me, it felt like a hand on my chest pushing me back, as I felt this the fear in me hightened...I found myself unable to catch my breath...the hand remained there telling me "do not open that door!" for a second I though myself being silly and decided to let the feeling go and go into the office...again the hand upon my chest, pushing me back...I sneaked to the window that was in my kitchen area and in the darkness of my apartment looked out, there was a car sitting in the drive, motor running, passenger door open, with a very scary person sitting behind the wheel, I turned so that I could see who was at the door, there was a young man in a trench coat...okay this was JULY why the need for the coat and he was fast and furiously ringing the door bell...I stood there fear running from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes...I did not answer the door, in a few seconds the young man ran to the car and got in and the car drove away, I called my friends at the police station and told them what had just happened, I told them about the car as much as I could , I did not get a license plate number but knew that make and model, I told them as much as I could about the driver and the passenger and they said to stay where I was, do not open the door, do not turn on the lights, "we will be there in minutes"...true to their word they came and I opened the door and was told that there had just been an armed robbery at the convenience store just at the bottom of the hill and it was the same car and passengers I had described...I sobbed when they left, I cried for hours sitting on my couch just praying they did not come back...all I could think of was that me and my baby were alone in that apartment and I would have been opening the door to an evil that could have harmed not just me but my little girl....I gave thanks for the Holy Spirit and have never doubted for a second that if it had not been for him I would not be here today!!! God is good always and the gift of the Holy Spirit is proof positive that he will never let us go through anything alone as long as we believe!!!!
an account told by Dawn E. Phillips

1 comment:

Barbara Thompson said...

OMG.... .....how scarey!!! Thank goodness The Lord was there with you and protecting you both. So glad you listened to what he was telling you. Love you!!