What you are about to read is DISGUSTING and so heart painful!!!!!

Happy Saturday to all, I pray your day is shaping up to be a great one and that the rest of it will be filled with events that will be in your memories for many years to come. Have you shared your smiles today? If you have not, but a huge one on your face and share it with all who cross your path....you never know when it might be the only goodness a person has all day!

It is a beautiful morning here in Utah, the sun is shining and rapidly melting the last of the icicles from the roof lines, the mountains are snow capped and standing majestically just within view...Make me want to put on my capris and flip flops and sit outside...BUT looks can be deceiving it is only 34 degrees out and my little tootsies might develop frost bite :) SO I will sit behind the glass in the warmth of my little box apartment and enjoy what appears to be a warm, spring day!!! Today I guess I am meant to talk about what appears to be but really isn't...I am sure each of us has been "duped" in life, that we have seen what appeared to be something totally different than what it really was and then we walk away with our heads between our legs when we learn what really was going on...still we trust and we believe and we think we are abreast of each situation...Have you ever had someone break your trust? Have you ever believed in someone so much only to have them break your heart into a million little pieces? Have you ever wanted to believe in someone who was kind and loving to you or your children only to find out there was a motive to the kindness? Have you ever, have you ever, have you ever??? That is the question I ask today and I can just about bet that each and everyone of you will answer with a hearty YES.

I came across a story in the Utah news a few days ago that is just down right sickening, and if this had happened to me and mine, I cannot say that I would not be locked away in prison rotting for all time and eternity...I can only pray for the victim in this case, her very innocence has been taken from her, her trust and faith has been skewed by someone who is supposed to be trusted and a father figure to her, she was used, she was brainwashed, she was taken advantage of....OH MYLANTA....she was and still is a child....How in the world can a man in such a position do such things to a child???? Some might ask why the child did not report this earlier, why she continued to do this with him, what she continued to go to his home??? The answer....he had her trust and she believed that he loved her, that what was happening was okay because there was love, that he would take care of her and that he would protect her...It is not her fault, it will never be her fault, it is the fault of the adult..who took advantage of her situation, who took her vulnerability and used it for self satisfaction...DISGUSTING if you ask me!!!  Now the child is left to try and sort through the mess, to try and understand what has happened and to try and cope with the feelings she has been left with. Father God I come to you today asking that you lay hands of peace and understanding upon this child's brain, that you lay hands of calm upon her heart and that you lay hands of comfort upon her body, that you will fill her with knowledge that she can rise above all that has happened to her and that she can come to understand that no matter what has taken place in her life that she can rise above, that she can overcome and that she can be healthy and know true love and happiness in her life. Father we ask that you take the offender and allow him to see just exactly what he has done to this child, that you open his eyes to the damage he has caused and that he be filled with remorse and come to you with honest pleas for forgiveness, Father please bless all around him with the knowledge that this will never happen to any other young person by his hands. Bless the victim's family with an abundance of love Father, allow them all to move forward with healthy thoughts and satisfaction that you are the judge and the jury and that you will not allow this horrific crime to go unpunished. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask for an abundance of love, patience, and understanding. Amen.

A 41-year-old Bountiful man has been charged with 14 first-degree felonies for alleged sexual encounters with a 13-year-old girl he coached in soccer.

FARMINGTON — A 41-year-old Bountiful man has been charged with 14 first-degree felonies for alleged sexual encounters with a 13-year-old girl he coached in soccer.

Steve Dale Green is facing eight counts of rape, two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, two counts of forcible sodomy and charges of object rape of a child and rape of a child, from encounters that began in 2008 and continued through 2011, according to charges filed in 2nd District Court. The girl, now 17, met Green in 2007 when he was her soccer coach, a police affidavit states.

The team was for girls ages 12 to 15.

The teen-age girl said she became "close friends" with Green's family and went to their home often, the affidavit states. In 2008, when she was 13, the girl told police that Green initiated a sexual relationship.

Investigators said the relationship progressed from touching to intercourse and lasted until 2011. The sexual activity occurred at Green's Bountiful home on a near-daily basis, according to the affidavit.

Police said the encounters ended when the girl grew older and developed an interest in boys her own age. She confided in a relative about the encounters with her coach and  the relative contacted police.

"The defendant occupied a position of special trust in relation to the aforementioned minor female, therefore she could not consent to the sexual conduct that occurred when she was between 14 and 15 years old," the charges state.

A court date in the case has not been set.

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