I do not like DRAMA, especially in my SPACE....

Good morning and HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!

I pray your day is going well and that there is a smile on your face and much love in your heart!!!

In prayer this morning I sat in the quiet, looking out the window watching the world wake up around me, I so love watching the birds coming to my feeder, I love watching the sun come up over the mountain, I love hearing the wake up call from the air force base that is so nearby, I love opening my window just a smidge and smelling the fresh air, I love being alive and I love the fact that each day I have freedoms to worship my Father and Brother in heaven. There is a nice breeze blowing and the temperature at the moment is very nice, 47 degrees it feels like summer compared to what we have been having...I am loving it! We do have rain/snow moving back in this afternoon to stay around for 4 days...but for right now I will just sit and enjoy the warmth and the sun....

Yesterday I was sent a message from a program on facebook called
"what God wants you to know" I sometimes read these and sometimes neglect to, but yesterday I opened it and was really amazed at what HE wanted me to know.. It said...."your home is sacred.
Where you live makes a big difference. Every little thing in your home influences you through its colors, shapes, textures, smells. Take a look around your home, - what can you change to transform your home into a place of communion."

I have always made my home a "safe haven" a place that when I entered the door I felt at ease, I felt safe, I felt secure and I felt LOVE. I do not like drama, in the outside world and certainly not in my "space" Drama can come in all forms in my eyes, it can come from people who delight in "mish~mash", it can come in the workplace, it can come on the freeways, it can come in the shopping markets, and yes it can come in your home! If there is chaos in the form of a mess there is drama...I do not like to awake to chaos, I am not comfortable going to bed with things out of place, I hate to come home to a mess...I have always thought that if something happened to me and I had to have someone come in and either take care of me or clear my possessions out that I would be so embarrassed if my personal space was not tidy. I cannot fathom someone going into my things and thinking that I am a mess. 
I know we are not supposed to live based on what others think but somethings really do get to me and being thought a mess would really bother me!

I pray that if you are living in chaos that you will get some inspiration and begin to get your "happy place" in order. I promise when your house is in order there is a new and wonderful calm about you. If you are in need of help there are many who would love to help you, it is what we do, it is how we show our love, don't be embarrassed to ask for someone to help you get on track in your home...we all get overwhelmed and we all tend to let it go sometimes...Lets begin to get on top of things so that there is a drama free place in your life each and every day. God is so good and every little thing is gonna be alright:) 

You are loved and you are one of my life's biggest blessings! Onward and Upward and never look back on the past just fearlessly barge into the future!!!

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