It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.....

Good morning and happy Saturday, all is good with the world this morning, it is sunny, it is comfortable, the skies are blue and the birds are singing. As I sit here with my cup of coffee being serenaded by all of the little birds I feel that I am being treated to a little slice of heaven this morning. Thank you Father God for allowing me this special time with you in all of your Glory as I begin to make ready for yet another day here on earth. Thank you for giving me another day and please guide me to where I am needed most, to where I can make a difference with my spirit and my love.  

Two of my favorite scriptures are the ones below....YOU are the salt of the earth and you must remain with must at all times walk as God would have you walk and talk as God would have you talk. Don't get trampled because you have lost your way...renew and be of good taste forevermore. 
And my most favoriet is John 4:21....simply if you love God the Father and Jesus Christ then you must love his brother, your neighbor, the ones at the market, the one serving you in the restaurant, the ones who have done poorly by must love and not hate, you must always be an example of LOVE!!!

Matthew 5:13 ESV

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet."

1 John 4:21 ESV

"And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother."

This is a wonderful story of compassion and love...can you find a way today to share your love with another???

As a Christian, I reflected over the years as what it means to "love your neighbor." When I lived in rural America, outside of Portland, Ore., this seemed like a much easier feat. Our nearest neighbor lived a few hundred yards away. I'd have to walk a mile in any direction to find someone we didn't know.

Now I live in New York City, and my "neighbor" is someone I don't know. My city, neighborhood and block are filled people who don't know me, don't care to know me, don't look like me, talk like me, smell like me, think like me, and have no desire to change that fact. This is true to the extent that I haven't yet caught the names of the couple who are subletting the apartment next to ours. In short, I literally don't even know my literal neighbors. I find that it's pretty hard to love people you don't even know. And sometimes, we all, myself included, use that as an excuse to not even try.

One day, Brendan, a young but rising DJ in New York, was coming home to his Brooklyn apartment when a homeless woman asked him for money. He said, honestly, that he had no money. By the end of the week, she asked two more times, and each no he answered "no." Finally she frankly replied, "you better not, because every day you say no." Inserting some rational thinking into an otherwise awkward conversation, he proposed, "I am on my way to a job interview. If I get the job, I will take you out for Chinese food." This promise yielded a friendship that neither were prepared for -- that changed the trajectory of their lives, both forwards toward each other.

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