Prayer warriors I need prayer for my cousin Walt and our famly!!!!!!

I know I come time and time again asking for prayer for those who come to me asking for special prayer, I spotlight certain individuals who are in it for the long haul battling against illness and disease and this entire blog is filled with prayer for you, for myself, for your families, for your friends, we pray, pray, in and day out we pray...

As many of you know I have a cousin who is battling cancer, basically knowing that there is no way out, that only with a miracle he will win the battle. I have not seen him as he lives in Arizona and is much to far for me to travel. When I was a baby his mom, my Aunt Gwen was my tender, she took care of me when my worked, she had 2 older children than I and 2 younger..throughout all of my growing up life we did vacations with my aunt and uncle, and each summer I got to go and stay with them for a week in Houston. I always loved spending my time with my cousins and my Aunt Gwen and Uncle Walter. Walt was the same age as my sister Missy and they were inseparable, they would play for hours and hours on end. We all have our own memories of Walt, the last time I saw him was in 1985 but have always loved him and never thought that anything such as this would happen to him. My heart is filled with sadness no only for Walt but for his wife, his mom, my Sweet Aunt Gwen who lost her daugher Susan several years ago, we never think we will have to bury a child, much less two of our children, his sister Carrie and brother Joe...and for all of his extended family. 

My Aunt let me know yesterday that he is now in a coma and on life support, I do not know what the next few days hold for him and I am so sad for my Aunt, living so far away from him and not knowing which way to go, I pray that she find peace and that God will guide her as to what is needed and when. If you all will join me in prayer for Walt I would so appreciate it.

Loving God, thank you for Walt
and for the wonderful gift of his time with us.
Thank you for the joy he has brought to our lives
and the lives of everyone who loves him.
Thank you also for the people who give him joy,
those who love him, past and present. 
We pray today for strength for Walt in his body and in his spirit.
Strength to find whatever healing there is in this time and place,
strength as he waits to come home to you when he’s ready.
We pray for courage for his family as they support him
and love him and surround him in care.
Mostly, God, we pray for peace.
Peace for Walt in his body as the pain fades away,
peace for his family in their hearts as they wait with him,
and peace for Walt in his spirit as he finds his true peace in you. wrap your robes of calm and comfort around him and allow him to know it is okay to let go, it is okay to join you now and that you will comfort each of his loved ones until they are able to be with him for all time and eternity.
As in all places, help us know that you are here with us, granting your peace.
In the name of Jesus Christ we ask these favors and blessings. Amen

1 comment:

Prayer Request said...

Dawn, it is our privilege to pray in agreement with you for your cousin Walt.