Update on Walt, please pray for his wife!!!!

      Good morning and happy Monday,  it is another beautiful morning here in Utah, the clouds not as blue as yesterday morning but still not hazy and yucky. I can see the mountains and the sun is trying desperately to break through and shine with all its glory. 

      First I must tell you that our prayers are being answered in regards to my cousin Walt who was pronounced brain dead yesterday evening, I have prayed fervently for his pain to be gone and for him to be able to make his next journey in his life. I had reported that his wife was taking him off of life support but my Aunt, in her time, of sadness reported this to me incorrectly. Walt's wife is having a very difficult time giving consent to have his life support turned off. Please if you will pray with me that she will do what is best for Walt, that she will lay her emotions and her sorrow aside and think about what is best for him. I can't say in my heart of hearts that I would not feel as she feels for having him there in body continues to have him with her. Walt has struggled much of his life with anger, he has not been a man of peace and calm, I don't pretend to know where or what this lifelong anger is born of but I do know now he is at peace, last evening as I laid for sleep I could see his face and could see the hand of Christ reaching out for him, I kept saying in my mind, it's okay Walt, take his hand, he will take you to a place where there is not anger, where there is only beauty and calm. I honestly feel that at that moment he did take Jesus' hand and he began his journey. I pray and ask you to pray with me this very moment that his wife realize that he is there now only in body and that the life support can keep him physically there but that he his spirit has crossed over to stand at the hand of God and to progress in heaven. Father God allow Walt's wife Consuela to understand the cross over and to know that he is with you now, his body is still with her but he has now taken your hand, he no longer knows the pain he has lived with for so many years, he no longer suffers with the chaos in his head that has spurned the anger that he has exhibited even from a child. Father wrap your arms around Consuela and allow her to hear your still quiet voice guiding her as to what needs to be done now, allow her to see that Walt is no longer suffering. Allow his spirit to be with her as she makes the decision that you are prompting her to make. I ask for peace, calm, and comfort for her in this decision, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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