Happy Wednesday to you, the winds have taken off to parts unknown, praise God, and the temperatures are coming back up, we are supposed to be in the high 50's today, singing praises of thanks and joy. Each morning when I get out of bed I have my little routine, I turn on the coffee pot and then I kneel in front of my couch to ask blessings for each of you, I lift prayers for every situation that I can imagine and I ask God to send to me someone in need of inspiration and uplift. When my coffee is ready I sit in my chair, in the dark and listen to the still quiet voice of our Father in heaven, I allow him to guide me in the direction he has planned for me and I allow him to touch my heart with anyone who is in need of special specific prayer. Sometime I am immediately given a name of someone I need to make contact with that day, and sometimes I feel as if I cannot hear what HE is saying to me, I sit, and sit, and sit a bit longer just waiting for his lead. This morning I had made a commitment to get my two G~babes to school as their vehicle is not running. I had set my alarm to arise at 5 so that I could have my quiet time with GOD however I fell asleep and forgot to take my phone to bed with me..I awoke 6 minutes before I was to be at their house and was in a dead run so they would not be late....I got them delivered safely and on time and then got back home...It was then that I found I felt as if I were a fish out of water, I am so set in my routines that I did not even know how to begin my day....It has taken me until not to get my routine back in order and to have my quiet time with HIM. I have been sitting here watching the birds on my porch, allowing the sunshine to come through my window and warm my face and heart.
Today as I sat in deep thought listening to God I felt the need to touch on "our personal self"
Who are we, what is our purpose, why is there negative in our lives, when will we overcome the troubles in our lives etc...
The answer to the first question is: We are children of God, he made us in perfect form, no matter if your nose is larger than you like, no matter if your hair is curly or straight, no matter if you have brown eyes or blue, no matter if you are big boned or petite, no matter what, YOU are YOU, just the way HE made you...HE sent you down from the spirit world to test you, to see if you could cling tight to the things you had learned before coming here, he watches over every circumstance in your life to see how you will handle them....that is WHO you are, you are HIS child, you are loved with the greatest love there is, you are completely and totally capable of being all that HE needs you to be and if you are on the wrong track you are more than capable of making the changes you need to make to get on the right track...question number 2: your purpose here is to be as close to Christ as you can, to walk like he did, to act like he did and to share God's word to others, you are here to promote love....to give love....to accept love....to be the symbol of goodness and love...in a nutshell that is your purpose...it is not to see if you can make the most money, it is not to outdo your neighbors, it is not to try and be the most beautiful, it is not to put yourself above others, it is to be an example of Christ in all that you do! number 3: there is negative in your life because you allow it ....how many times have you not been given your way and you become angry, you become spiteful, you become a literal beast? How many times have you let defeat squash you into the ground, how many times have you been told NO and laid down never to try again? How many times have you been faced with a negative situation and you have absorbed it? How many times have you joined in with negative people and allowed yourself to be something that you are not...do you gossip about others, do you make fun of those who have less than you, do you place yourself above others because you have better than they do, do you associate with people that are only in your social class??? Think about all of this...are you honoring God on a daily basis, or are you sitting in a glass house???? number 4: you will overcome the problems in your life when you decide to let go and let GOD carry you through them, You will overcome when you lay your faith and trust in the one who has written your book and has laid out the plan....you will overcome when you quit trying to be something or someone you are not....YOU are amazing, YOU are love, YOU are the child of GOD...he will take care of you if you will believe in him....Today is the day to look in the mirror my brothers and sisters....LOOK, don't just see your image....see your personal self, look into your eyes and see your heart...is it beating as it should...is it honoring God in every thing you do, is it healthy and happy being inside of your body? Are you walking in the same footsteps that Christ has laid out for you?
Many of you are wondering around asking why me, what have I done to deserve this, why do bad things happen to me, bad things don't happen to good people...why, why, why????
I am here to tell you, bad things happen to good people all of the time, satan wants the good ones, he already has a noose around the bad ones, he is fighting tooth and nail to get the good ones to join his team, he is begging and pleading that you lay down you sword and join his army...I am going to tell you it is much easier to join his army than it is to continue to march with GOD, it is much easier to do the wrong than to do the right...it is much easier to believe what everyone else tells you than to believe the word of GOD....anything worth having is worth fighting for and that is what satan wants....HE WANTS YOU....are you going to just stand there and let him have you or are you going to pull up your boot strings, put on your big boy/girl panties and march in God's army??? The question is yours to answer....whats it gonna be??????
I pray that this has opened your eyes a bit and has allowed you to see that there is a direction for you, there is hope for all that you are going through and there is unconditional love to lead and guide you....YOU are loved and YOU are worth it...
God bless you with a soft heart and kindness today!!!
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