Stop being selfish and think about what you are doing to your children.........

Good morning my friends, it is a cloudy, dark morning with beautiful blue trying to break through the clouds...we had a bit of a rain last night and most probably will have more today, I am able to have my windows open at this moment as the morning is a nice cool one, who knows what the afternoon will bring, but I am not worried about that, I will cross that bridge when it gets here...for now...I am enjoying God's bounty and my heart is filled with joy!

As I sat out at 4:30 a.m., enjoying the peaceful calm of the coming day, I once again realized how good our God is, I sat for a very long time in the darkness chatting with him about anything that came to mind, I prayed fervently for those who have come to me in prayer and I asked God to bless each and everyone of you who come and support my blog. I asked him to see your needs and make provision that you will see his love and his will for a better YOU...I asked him to bless my little family and to continue to lead me in the direction that will take me to Kansas where I can be close to my babies and help as they go to college to better themselves and make a career that will afford them a comfortable life. I sat a while longer just allowing God's love to soak all over me, absorbing each and every wonderful feeling that he was allowing and came away with tears in my eyes, well streaming down my face for all of the goodness I see around me. It is so very nice to know I am loved unconditionally and that HE will make a way for us as long as we are willing to move our feet! 

As many of you know I am a "facebooker" I follow it daily and lift prayers for all who come in request of it, I try and feel the pain of those who are suffering and encourage and uplift on a daily basis, not patting myself on the back! I ask God daily to lead me to where he needs me as I live in Utah and do not have communication personally with many people..I know that God has need for each of us and this is the way that I can honor him and give where there is need. I read posts, a lot of posts and some of them make my hair curl....there are those who insist upon being negative and nasty, those who manipulate others with ugly words and sheer horror, those who constantly complain but are not willing to do what is needed to make it better, those who one day lift others in prayer and the next day post horrible things with saying that I am sure are not pleasing to God. I pray for them daily that God might place his hands upon their heads and allow them to see what they are doing and what is needed to get back on the heaven bound train...I also see something that to me is worse than dirty jokes, snide remarks, or any other thing that I deem not pleasing and that is using children to bash and hurt the other party...
I was divorced from Megan's father when she was barely 2 years old, we both did things in our marriage that were not right, me more so than he. I vowed however that never once would I ever give Megan a reason to look at her father with anything but love and respect...did he do things that made me upset?..YES, did he do things I did not agree with?...YES, did he make me angrier than a wet setting hen?....YES but did I ever air this in public for others to see and share?...NO, did I ever use the things he did to try and make my child think less of him?....NO..WHY you ask? Well I will tell you as we know it is very difficult, especially for children, they are so vulnerable, so impressionable, so precious and are so fresh in the spirit of GOD...If you are divorced, so be it, if you have children and are divorced you need to step up to the plate and do what is right for your child, this does not include bashing one another, this does not include manipulating your children to try and win them over to your side of thinking, this does not mean bashing your ex so that your children can see and hear it, this DOES include allowing your children to know that they were produced in love, that they are the most important thing on earth and that the two of you together have their backs, that they can come to either one of you or to both of you together and you will always lift and love them....I understand that divorce can bring out hate in each other, it can literally change a person and their "make~up" hurt can do this to the deepest core of the heart....BUT it is not okay to wind your children up with this hurt....It is NOT okay to use your children as pawns in your sick game of who can hurt the other the most....It IS time for parents to become responsible and honor God by loving their children more than they love themselves, the selfishness has got to stop and you have to begin working together to make it right in God's eyes. There was a time when you loved one another, there was a time that you wished to have a family, dig deep, look at the very things that joined you and now use those attributes to make it right with your the end of the day when you lay down there will be no anger or rage because you will know that you have done what is expected from GOD. Let today be the first day of YOU being a responsible parent, doing what is best for your child/children and letting God take care of the problems between your ex and you...YOU are loved, now be the kind of parent that your children are proud of!!!!

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