Call to Prayer, please join me if you will:)

Tonight  I come to you Lord with a heavy heat, with sadness at hearing of the loss of a 5 year old child, a friend has suffered the loss of a nephew father and is in need of your compassion and your comfort. Please be with her and her family as they travel cross country to be with the parents of this sweet baby.  Father I ask that you be with the family of this little one, that you wrap your arms around each of them, that you allow them to know that through you, they will get through this, father let them fall in to you, allow them to lay their heads upon your chest and know that you are there to carry them in all that they will go through in the coming days, please allow the veil to be thin so that they might be comforted with his little spirit! Another friend is filled with pain this evening as she is fervently praying for a niece who was involved in an auto accident today, as we speak the young lady is going through surgery, please Lord be the hands that perform the surgery and save her arm, be with this young lady through all she is having done, hold her tonight and comfort her from the pain of surgery, be with her in the long days ahead giving her strength to rehab and recover. Others are facing the news of terminal illnesses, financial woes, broken relationships, separations with their children, battling rebuilds from the storms, fighting the raging fires, facing floods,  many are in fear of their soldiers who are on the front lines, Father there is so much grief and fear, so much worry and anxiety...tonight I ask that you breath your calm on each and every one of us and those we ask mercies for, hold us tight, wrap us in the blanket of your love and let us dream of times that were not so sad, times that were filled with laughter, allow us to sleep with no sadness, only your pure true love. God we know how powerful you are, we have seen your work with our very eyes, we have stood witness to miracle upon miracle and we know as long as we are "on bended knees" and that we truly believe and cling tight to our faith, you will be in all that we do. God I ask that you be with my friends and my precious family, keep them safe from harm and each day touch them in a way that they continue to hold you at the very top of their lives. I ask these mercies with love in my heart father, in Jesus' beautiful name, amen.

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