Sitting out this morning, once again bundled in my blankie, 48 degrees with a bit of a breeze, in the shade it is chilly. The birds are singing as it if it sunshine and 70, the trees are happy with the breeze as they sway to and fro, the sky is a mix of dark and white clouds with the sky as blue as I have ever seen it. Another beautiful day that God has given us:)
Have you ever wanted something so badly and no matter how you attempted and tried to get it, something fell in the way, blocking you from your prize? Have you ever tried to move forward and for some reason the mountain you were trying to climb seemed to grow and become steeper right before your eyes? This is happening to me, it seems the harder I try the more it becomes evident that this is not supposed to happen at this appointed time, if any of you know me, or read my blogs, you know that I am very very impatient, when I want something I want it right now! I know that God will allow roadblocks to deter you, I know that he will allow many things to stop us in our tracks when it is something that we do not need to be doing, I have read accounts of people who have been forging forward and been stopped in their tracks only to find that if they had gone any further disaster would have befallen them, so many times I have heard people say, thank God I was late, or I would have been involved in an accident, so many on September 11, recount how a certain incident or action kept them from being in the building when it was hit...I hear stories such as this all of the time. With the roadblocks I encountered yesterday and my ideas of pushing through them, maybe even knocking them down to get where I wanted to be, I am sitting here this morning, ALIVE, wondering if I would be had I not finally relented and ceased on my journey. I think so many times that the Holy Ghost tries to push us back but because we are hard headed we do not feel the push and then boom, something bad happens. It does not make my desire to be where I wanted to be any less, but it does make me thank God that I am here this morning, sharing with you!!!!
I know that God is with us in all things, but I also know that when we refuse to hear him, when we think we have better answers than he has, that our way is the best way...when we have this attitude... he only step back and let us learn a lesson. My prayer is that today, you hear God, you feel the promptings from the Holy Spirit and you lay down your haughtiness and allow him to guide you...if might not be what you want, but it is his will. If you forget something at home, turn around and go back, even it it will make you late...if you feel uncomfortable in a situation you are involved in, take the discomfort as a sign that you are not supposed to be there, okay if it is the Doctor or Dentist the feeling you are having is probably not coming from the promptings of our Heavenly Father but from your own fear! I think we have to use prayer as a way to determine what he is telling us, when we pray and ask him he answers, we just have to hear him! May this day be filled with love and joy for you, may you "see" God in all that you do and may you be the "smile" that someone needs to get them through:) Love in Christ to each of you!!!!
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