Please join me in prayer!

Heavenly father, I bow my head at this time, in hearing the news today, in seeing all of the disdain in the world, in seeing the fires burning out of control in Arizona, the flooding in so many states, the disorder left from the tornados, I ask you to spread yourself over our great nation and shield us, to spread your mighty arms and wrap us in your love, I ask that you lift those who have lost so much with your love filled hands and give them a peace and comfort that they believe is lost forever. Father, you're close to people whose hearts are breaking, those who are discouraged and have given up hope, see their troubles and grief  when they cry out. When they're hurting, help them find their joy in You, allow your job to be their strength. Help them to trust You as their God of hope. Fill them with Your joy, peace, and hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. God, continue to be the strength in our men and women who are serving this country in the armed forces, and as I ask each day, bring the war to an end so that they can come home and reunite with their loved ones. Please continue to bless my family and all of my friends with renewed faith and abundant love. I ask these special favors in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

As always, we are here to pray specific prayer for you, if you leave a comment we will add you to our daily prayer list and lift your desires many times throughout the day. God bless your hearts with peace and comfort! Love in Christ to you!!!

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