~~One foot in front of the other~~~

Sometimes, well often, if you read my daily posts, I feel such a strong and urgent need to write. I know that the Holy Spirit is my daily guide, each morning I pray asking my Father in Heaven to allow me words that will touch someone in need. Many days I get such positive feed back that my words have been an answer. I do  not pretend to write these words without assistance, I am but the fingers that put into print what God places in my heart.
This morning I feel such a need to share, to share things that have taken place in my life that it might give someone in such desperate need HOPE. Several years ago I literally lost everything that I had, was stripped of everything but basically the clothes on my back. I did not understand, I cried daily and could not fathom why this would happen to me, I have tried to live my life in a pleasing manner to God, I have tried to be a friend to all, I have tried to go above and beyond when it come to helping others...why, why, why. I know that I have made MANY bad choices, I have hurt others and I have turned my back on my Father in Heaven at times throughout my life. But still....to lose everything...WHY???
About 2 years ago I was standing in the shower, my favorite place to pray, and I realized that even though I had lost everything, I was so very blessed. I have a daughter that is amazing, she is the beat in my heart and even though we had trials off and on in our lives, we have come through them and are now stronger than ever. I have a wonderful partner in my life, he is such a driving force, he is very wise, he is very intuitive, he is so filled with the spirit of our Lord. I have my 4 legged babies, they are 'LOVE" they ask for nothing but a gentle hand and a kind word and have stood by my side for as long as i have had them. I have free speech, I have a very strong relationship with my Lord and Savior. I have much in my life!!!
Just on facebook alone there has been so much, husbands who have lost wives, wives who have lost husbands, parents who have lost children, children who have lost parents,  divorce, sickness, financial woes...and the list goes on and on, but the beauty in all of this is that we have one another to lift us up in prayer, to UNDERSTAND what we are going through, to give us gentle encouragement, to quiet our fears and to hold us when we cannot hold ourselves. The most wonderful thing we have does not come in the from of a car, or a house, in food nor clothing, yes they are essential in our lives but I think without the true love of Christ in our lives we have nothing anyway. Today I sit here, with nothing, but with everything. I know that when I have had "stuff" I was not as close to my Father in Heaven, but when I stand in nakedness I realize just how close I am. I ask each of you to stand in nakedness today and thank him for the little things in your life. Don't ever give up on HOPE, don't ever lay down, hold our head toward the "son" and keep on moving forward, keep on placing one foot in front of the other and stay on the right track, there is no rule as to how fast you have to go, there is no personal time limit, just cling to the rod, and give it all to him. 
I love each of you and as always am only a call or a post away to lift your name on high, to ask God's mercy and blessing for you and yours. God bless you!!!<3 <3 <3 

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