Prayers for YOUR day:)

     It is a beautiful, warm, sunny, Saturday:) Sitting outside in shorts and sleeves is comfortable even in the shade:) Thanks to God that I awoke this morning, thanks be to him that I get to live another day here on earth, thanks to him for giving me vision to see what I need to do to make a difference and thanks to him for allowing me to see the answer to prayers this week, healing is on the bodies of so many that we have prayed over, comfort has been in the words for many that we have lifted in prayer, and each day the circle is honored by at least one more person filled with his love, willing to join us in prayer. God is so good!!!!
     Today I pray that each of you has awaken with a fresh spirit, that you are not looking at the chores of the day with the blahs, but that you will take time to do what is most important in life, '"stop and smell the roses" spend quality time with those that you love, do something nice for you, make a call to someone you have not chatted with in a while, maybe come up with a special outing??? I pray that if you have suffered illness during the week that you are feeling better today, that if you have suffered loss this week that their spirit be in every step you take so that you know even though they are physically gone, they are still with you, I pray that if the weather permits, you get outside and marvel at the heavenly artwork that God created for the day, and I pray most of all that you feel the love that so many have for you, that you feel your worth and that your smile will be just what someone needs to lighten their load:) God bless you, each of you, with his love, mercy and grace.

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