Three women held in captivity, by the grace of God found alive!!!! Prayers for their healing.....

Good morning and happy Tuesday. I arose very early this morning, I am thinking that God needed just a little extra time with me before the world woke up and began placing demands upon our day.
I love waking up really early and just sitting in the quiet of my little box apartment, listening, now that we are able to open the windows a bit, the birds singing so eagerly to welcome the new day, smelling the freshness of the new day and just having quiet, unobstructed, conversation with our Father in heaven. Of course when I awake and find myself filled with all of this extra quiet time, satan likes to annoy me, he likes to try and joggle my thoughts, he likes to try and find for me a hundred different reason not to give my time to God. Sorry satan I am not letting any of your weird stuff deter me from my blessing this morning, I am praying fervently, I am snuggling in to my Fathers lap and there just is no time nor room for you in my life....get the behind me or get squashed in my quest for emotional and spiritual uplift this morning!
I lifted each of you in prayer this morning, asking God to see your needs, asking God to hear your pleas, asking God to make provision for each of your needs and even more to let you feel his love and his presence around you the whole day long. I lifted in prayer all who are suffering disease and sickness, asking for a day filled with hope and with more strength and will than you have ever had. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for mercy, grace, and blessings. Amen

I have been intently watching the news regarding the 3 women who were found after being held captive for 10 plus years. I cannot even begin to imagine how horrible this has been for them, I cannot even begin to understand the way they must be feeling this morning out of captivity and surrounded by loved ones. I am sure in the coming days more of this story will be revealed we will hear horror upon horror of the things that went on for these three. Let us all join in prayer for the three women, children of these women and for the families who have prayed for closure all of these years who are singing songs and rejoicing this very moment as I write.

Father we come to you on bended knees giving thanks for allowing these women to be found, Father we can only pray that over the years that they were held captive that they were in some sense of the word treated better than captive animals, we pray that their minds will be restored as they receive treatment from the long years of being held prisoner. Father wrap each of them in your robes of love and allow them to know that you have always held them in your arms and protected them from what was taking place, allow them to understand that this is not your doing, that it  was an evil here on earth that has taken place but that you were there for them thus they live. Bless their families father as they rise up today in the knowledge that their loved one thought dead for so long, lives....give them patience and understanding as these women decompress and get back to the outside world. Father above all bless them with peace in their minds, calm in their hearts and comfort in their bodies. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask these blessings. Amen!

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