With all of the talk of "the world coming to an end" the "rapture" the "apocolypse" several people have asked me am I scared...???? I ask you, are you scared at the possibility of living in "paradise" of living in a place where the is only beauty and peace??? My answer to each of your questions is NO, I am not scared, life as we know it will cease to exist but the promise of peace and comfort is something that I lift my head to and look eagerly for. The only thing we need to do to prepare is to "get our hearts right" I have been telling everyone that, no need to clean your house, no need to mow your lawn, no need to buy gifts, no need to do anything at all but find your quiet place, and have a good, heart wrenching, chat with our Father in Heaven through the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...we have been given the gift of repentance through the sacrifice of Jesus, we have been given the chance to "get it right" we can go to God and ask for forgiveness and as long as it is with true intent in our hearts, he forgives. So today, I am not doing anything special in preparation for the "last day" although we are told that no one but God will know which day it shall be, I live each day as if it will be the last, I praise his holy name each and every day, I ask for forgiveness many times during the day and I trust that his "the word" have faith my friends and family, you now what is needed in your heart to make ready for his glorious coming. Don't be afraid, look toward the "son" and know that this is what has been promised...get your heart ready and let God take care of all the details:) and as I always say...I LOVE YOU! God is amazing, praise him!!!

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