the sun is shining and my heart is full:)

Good morning and happy weekend:)
Today I am so very delighted to say that we have SUNSHINE, yes beautiful, warm, blue skies, SUNSHINE. I think that the continuous days of gloomy clouds, chilly temps, and rain have in a sense put me in a gloomy, chilly, damp mood! Try as I may to stay upbeat and happy, the weather has affected me in an adverse way each day...thank God for answered prayers, he knew that I was desperately needing some sunny warmth and viola...he gave it to me! In reading facebook posts yesterday it amazed me at the lack of respect that was given to the people that thought they had the end of days figured out, the laughing the mockery, just the sheer bullying. I know as you know that we will not know when the rapture will begin, only God knows the specific hour, but still, these people spend their lives studying, ciphering, calculating, and thinking they know the answers...I know we all have done something in our lives that we thought was so right, only to be proven felt really bad when all of the naysayers were laughing and could not wait to be prove me wrong...I just feel sad that as a Christian nation that we would be so negative and mean. You know in life we are faced with so much, we get our hopes up and are let down, we get taken by surprise when it is least expected, we always have some bit of drama happening, but the big picture is..Life goes on, it keeps on clicking and clicking...I really do not care when the rapture will begin, I do not care what is going to take place, I only care that I have tried the best of my abilities to live a pleasing life according to God's wishes, have I done it????NO, I have made horrible mistakes, well I make them on a daily basis, I have tried to be Christlike and continuously fall short, but each day I get up and I try again, I never make a boo boo that I don't stop and ask for forgiveness, I never go into a situation without asking God to shield me, I never close my eyes at night without giving thanks for the day, no matter what events have taken place. I know that if I can touch one person, yes just one, in the multitude of people, that I have done his will for the day...Instead of making fun of the "predictions" we should use it as a chance to look deep in side of ourselves and see if there is anything we need to alter to be in better favor of our Father in Heaven. Today, as in everyday, I am looking inside, I am digging deep into the caverns of my being to see what I need to do to please him. I like to think I live each and every day as if it will be the last, I don't want to be caught in the negative when our Savior comes to call. How many times have we seen someone escape a near death, give a big sigh of beating the odds and then boom get hit unexpectedly again??? Just because the world did not come to an end today, does not mean that it will not,,,, I am going to give my all to ensure that I am as ready as I can be!!!! How about you???/ May this day be filled with peace for you, may you take the deep set feelings that you pondered on this week, at the possibility of the last day and go forward with it, I would surmise that even those that made fun of it, the possibility, that they did some soul searching too, take what you thought about, repent, do what you need to do and stick to it on a daily I always say, just because you go to church on Sunday, does not mean you have right of passage in the end!!! Love in Christ to all, have a wonderful day:

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