bow your head with me!

Good morning and happy Wednesday! In watching television last night, namely "Deadliest Catch"" I saw God's hand at work, one of the boats was doing very well, pulling in full pot after full pot, the weather was getting really dangerous to work in, so he made the call for all of his crew to tie everything down and go below until daylight, knowing that the crab could move in the course of the night, but following the promptings to protect his crew, he took the chance of losing a multitude of money. The following morning as we sat anxiously waiting for the first pot to be pulled onto the boat, I knew it would be full, I knew that because the Captain listened to the spirit that he would receive blessings. When the pot was pulled onto the boat, sure as sure can get...the pot was packed with crab! I always look for blessings and they are always there...It never ceases to amaze me, how God allows us to see, how he allows us to be witness to his grace, his mercy and his love. It is all around us, his work is in everything that our eyes take in! I know we all are facing, have faced, and will continue to face struggles, I know, personally, how many times I have felt like giving in, giving up, turning my back and denying him. I know that in each struggle that I face, the moment that I relent and ask God to be my guide, he does.... I know that in getting through the struggle at hand, that I will have passed that "test" will have hurdled that "trial" and if faced with it again, will know how to handle it with faith and skill:) Today I stand in my faith, today I confess that he does know better than I, that without him in my life, what is my life for? Today I ask you to join me in prayer, to lift up those who are waivering in their faith, for those who feel defeated, for those who are scared and cannot see down the road, for those who are in need of a double dose....I ask you to pray with me for I know that mass prayer produces miracles ( my favorite saying) If you know of someone really tested and tried today, lift them, their specific name to Heavenly Father in the name of Christ, ask him to give them a break, to show them a sign so that they might have renewed faith, ask him to have mercy upon them, to bless them with his love, his comfort, his calm, his peace, ask him to show you what you might do to lesson their burden...he will show you what is needed. There have been times in my life that I have been so low that I did not think there was lower, when I had hit rock bottom and could not get my feet under me to push off and come back up, when my body was so weary that all I wanted was to lay there and cry, to just lay there and not have to come back up...but I did, I trusted that it was only a temporary situation and that God would pick me up and bring me back up. Without my faith in him, I know that I would still be down at the bottom, I would still be filled with woe is me, and I would not be sitting here telling you about it. Today, right now, ask God to touch a heart in need, to fulfill a prayer that you have been praying! Today several of my friends are waking up, dealing with the loss of their fathers, today several friends are awaiting answers to sicknesses in their children, today several are faced with finances that cannot be paid, today some are facing broken hearts and relationships...the need for prayer is all around, please, please join me in asking God to intercede and take the pain, the pressures and the sadness and replace it with an abundance of faith and belief. Please open your heart and share with us things that are in your heart, share with us answered prayers, share with us prayer requests, share with us prayers. Love in the name of Christ, may this day be a day that you will see an answered prayer! 

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