The "I LOVE YOU" challenge:)

Hello and a happy Thursday to all, as I sit typing, from behind the glass, I continue to watch the rain fall and the temperatures hover in the low 40' it really the end of May??? I have been in Utah now for a bit over 16 years and in memory, cannot think of another year that we have had no spring! Straight from winter to summer it appears:) I would love to thank my facebook friends who privately requested prayers this morning, I feel so honored when I awaken to find these requests, the biggest honor I can give to my Father in Heaven is prayer, or "chats" as I like to call them. I feel so blessed when people come to me and ask if I will lift them in prayer, it fills my heart with so much love to be able to take those that are in need with me into my prayer and know that when the request leaves my lips, that answers are in the works. Who else can you go to and know that a request you are making will be addressed and implemented??? The only place I know, is Heavenly Father:) I am so thankful for this knowledge, I am so thankful for his love, for him affording us the ability to repent, so thankful for his sacrifice so that we might have "life" so that we might have such a close and special relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Today in prayer the word that I felt so strongly was LOVE. I always say that LOVE is the key to everything, somehow, somewhere it has gotten lost....Today, I am going to make a point in telling all of those that I have not told as of late, those that I have not taken time to say hello, how are there anything I can do for you? I am going to make a point of calling upon them and in the course of the conversation I will let them know...."I love you" It is not a difficult statement, it is not a painful statement, in fact when it leaves my mouth it feels really great! Today I would like to challenge you to make a point of say these three words to those that you might have pushed to the back burner....make a call, stop by, send an email, it really is not a difficult feat...I would love comments as to how you felt when you gave those three words away! I lift each of you in prayer today, knowing that God is with us, that he wills us to be the best that we can be and that in giving love, we are honoring his wishes. To each of you  from the bottom of my heart...."I LOVE YOU" may his blessings be abundant in your lives and may you feel his unconditional and abiding love:) 

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