Stormy night, what a fright!!!!

Another day of rain, cold and gloom, I have been posting a different picture of sunshine for the last 4 days on my facebook profile, I am so in need of some sunshine and 70 degree weather, in looking at the news...I might be cited for over using google images for pictures of sunshine...we are supposed to be in this weather pattern for another week:(  Last night we had such a beautiful lightening and thunder storm, it was in a pattern that was on all 4 sides of us. The lightening was lighting up the sky pretty regularly and the claps of thunder seemed to be right atop us. My Golden Retriever, Sundance, who will have his 10th birthday on Saturday, became highly agitated, panting, standing at attention, facing the windows and shivering each and every time the sky flashed bright and the thunder clapped, he went as far a trying to climb up into the bed with us! Sundance is like his owner, a bit overweight and riddled with arthritis, he rarely will put all of his weight on his hind legs due to pain,,,,last night,,, the fear far outweighed the pain, poor pooch! We finally had to bring his doggie blankie and pillow right along side our bed and Wayde had to keep his hand touching him until he fell asleep! It made me sad to see how my once brave warrior dog, was trembling and so scared of something he has seen many times! I guess as we get older we begin to change internally, things that never feared us, things that we have been used to become "issues" I know as I have gotten older, I have changed about many things that in a younger age, I took for granted,,, little things. I was not in fear of much, and I lived like there would be no i am quickly approaching 50 and see so much differently, I appreciate things I never even "saw" I let the small things go much more quickly and I take time to smell the roses, heck sometimes I spend hours just "smelling" them. I am scared of things that used to not even hold residence in my brain, and I am not scared of things that used to consume me...Change... it is a powerful thing! I know many of my friends hate change, they refuse to see "what if" they love being nestled into their routines and they would rather not ever step out of their comfort zone..this is not a bad thing, but it does not leave a lot of room for growth and gaining experience in new realms! Today I pray that if you are challenged with "change" that you face it head on, that you roll up your sleeves, put a look of determination on our face and forge forward...if you are afraid...hold God's hand, he likes to go on new adventures, remember as long as you ask him to join you in your endeavor..he will gladly walk by your side! :) God is amazing, he is so patient and kind and he is the "bestest" friend you will ever have.....SO, get up, get ready, go!!!! May your day be blessed with opportunities, may you feel comfort, peace and an abundance of love:) In Christ.....always! 

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