In our darkest hour...he will shine though:)

This morning I was sitting out having my morning cup and enjoying my time with God, you know me, happiest when I have coffee in hand and get to share my thoughts with him:) I was not really focusing my eyes upon a particular thing, just had my head leaned back and was looking heavenward. I, as always, asked God to give me something to write today that would touch someone, as I sat there looking at the dense clouds that have decided to crowd the skies this morning I saw just a little ray of sunlight trying to pop its head through...I found myself becoming a "cheerleader" "come can do can do it....come one:) The more I seemed to urge the sun to break on through the closer and closer it got. Then...boom...there it was. I sat there with a grin on my face, my team had won the game, it had come through victorious!! I do not pretend to be a perfect woman of faith, I do not pretend that I walk around with a halo on my head and wings tucked into my shirt.. I make mistakes each and every day, I have nay-nay thoughts all day long, I have tugs and pulls toward darkness every hour, I have to really stay on guard, I have to be aware at all times because satan seems to think I am one hot commodity, he wants me to join his forces in a major way...ugh it drives me crazy. I have gone through much heartache and pain in my lifetime, I have made some of the most stupid mistakes a person can make, I have denied my father in heaven when I knew he was the only way, I have been on the way far side of the right tracks, I have been so down that I thought I had slipped and fallen into the pits of hell. I am way, way, far from perfect!!! In looking at the clouds this morning and cheering for the sun to break though I realized that every time I thought I could take no more, each time that I wanted to just give in to satan, each time I made a boo-boo and felt lower than low, each time I break out into  tyrades of curse words, each time I pass judgement, each time I do anything that is not pleasing to my Father in heaven, it is like the dense clouds, there is gloom in my heart, there is a heaviness that tries to pull me even further down...these are the times that I hit my knees and begin to pray, begging for forgiveness, the more I pray, the more my tears fall the closer the sun gets to breaking through...and then like an angel dipping from the heavens the "son" does break through and I feel peace and comfort. In sitting and thinking about all of this, this morning, I felt such a wonderful calm...I knew he was right there sitting with me, he answered my prayer in a visual way, he allowed me to see that he is here even in the darkest of hours, that he might be just behind the clouds waiting for me to "cheer" him through. If we don't call upon him in all things he sometimes just lingers there waiting. My prayer for you today is that you become his "cheerleader" call him in, call out to him and ask him to break through the "dark clouds" and shine in your heart, there is nothing that he will deny if you come to him in the name of Jesus Christ and pray with true intent and fervor...there is nothing he won't help you with, there is never a time when he turns his back on you...there is never a time that he is not right there, next to you just waiting for you to "cheer him in" Love to each of you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ:) 

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