windows to the soul...

This morning, as I sit out, listening to the birds sing their wonderful songs, feeling the slight breeze on my face, eagerly awaiting the sun to appear, I am in awe temperature is 51 degrees and the sky is a mingle of blue, grey, and salmon.  I could not ask for more right this minute:) As I have gotten older, I feel that I have gotten wiser, I feel that things that were so important to me years ago have changed and things that were not important to me then, now are at the top of the list. Funny how we change, how our thoughts change, how our morals and values change!!! This morning in prayer I asked God what I needed to do today, I asked him to lay a subject on me that would ease someone, that would give someone a new found sense of hope and a renewed faith. I know he will answer my prayer as he always does! I appreciate so  much the feedback I get from the people that this blog and my facebook messages, I appreciate so much you letting me know that the words God awoke in me are the very words that you were in need of.
In sitting here this morning I felt an overwhelming feeling of "self" come over me. Do our aging bodies really mark who we are, if we are overweight and saggy, does that really constitute what we are? Does grey in our hair really matter to God, do the wrinkles on our face really determine if we are loved or not? I think the answer to this is NO. I think what is important to our father in heaven is how we look inside, what he see in our hearts. I think he looks for love, for compassion, for caring, for kindness, and for grit! I know many people that obsess over their bodies, not for health purposes but for vanity reasons, I know many who have a love for botox to take the smile, pain, happy, sad, lines out of their faces, I know people who stress when a grey hair finds its way from beneath the color, but when I look into their eyes, no matter how good the outside looks, something is missing in the inside. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, I see so much just by looking into eyes, one can see pain, sadness, fake, joy...all of the emotions are there if you look. Many people wear masks to try and hide what they are going through, but you can't hide the eyes. I am going to continue to work on my heart today, to give compassion when I see it is needed, you know just a touch can make a person feel better, a smile can change a really sad situation, an "I'm here" can make a world of difference! I am going to be more kind to all, and I am going to let people know I care. I am going to have "grit" in me, the "grit" it takes to openly say, "God Bless You" I think many times we say this silently to people for fear of being thought a freak...I am going to openly say, let me pray for you, God loves you, God bless you and anything else that he puts on my heart because so many times we are led to people who do not really believe this, if I can be his messenger I will be! Today I ask that you look past the outward and look into the windows, look and see what someone needs and do not be afraid to give it. God needs for us to be his messengers, I will not refuse him. I love each of you with all of my heart, I pray that this day, you will touch a heart in need just by being the beautiful person inside, that I know you are. Love is free, give some away:) God bless each of you abundantly:) 

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