
Hello and happy Monday, our nice weekend with warmth and sunshine is now oer and yet another cold front has come to visit...42 and very gloomy out this morning, add in to the mix a slight breeze and once again I am in need of my "Betty blankie" to sit in the yard and enjoy the world waking! I am beginning to wonder if we will ever have warmth and sunshine on a daily basis???? Over the weekend, I talked to several people who are really struggling with problems, I spent a major part of my weekend in intense prayer that God will show them he is there, that he will allow them to feel his mercy and his compassion, I know he is always there, but sometimes I think we get so caught up in the negative that we neglect to hear the still quiet voice and we refuse to allow him to shine within us. Today I ask that you join me in prayer, not only for miracles but also for "awareness" I know that at times I will pray, pray, pray, and when the prayer is answered I thank him as if it were really not a big deal. I hope that I am the only one that does this, but feel that it happens more times than not, it is like we find religion when we are really in need and it becomes an afterthought when the prayer is answered. I think I need to work on the always part of prayer. The big picture here is "everlasting" do I want to just live in the minute or do I want to live in the here after? I look at this and of course the answer is the here after, I hear so many speaking of May 21 being the last of days and many are stressing over it...why??? We have no control over when the world will end, we have no way of changing the date, all we Do have control over is how we are when the last day arrives, are you ready? I am not, I have to work on me and get me ready!! Today my prayer is that we all, each of us, take a good long look in the mirror and see what we need to change within, I know I will be standing there for a while and will have to do a lot to get ready, I pray that when looking I can see all of the imperfections and with the assistance of my Father in Heaven move forth in changing the negative and running to the positive......God bless each of you with the ability to know what is needed in your lives, God bless you with the power of discernment, to know what is good for you and to realize what you need to change. May he be your guiding light, may he be your driver, may he be your director...may you open yourself up for him and allow him to work within you! Blessings to all for a wonderful eye opening day:) Love in Christ. 

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