Rain on the roof and rain in my heart!

Another rainy day here in paradise, I am so thankful we had a couple of warmer, sunny days last week as this gloomy, wet...is really beginning to drag my spirits down. I know some of my friends are in desperate need of rain, and if I could I would catch ours and send it straightway to you!:) My heart is a bit sad today, it seems as of late that every time I make a plan, that I think my plan will work out, boom...something comes along to push me back, a road block gets thrown in front of me and I cannot progress, EVERY time as of late....what gives? I know that all things happen for a reason, but REALLY??? Okay, that is my rant for the day...I do know that everything happens for a reason and I do know that patience is a virtue...thus, I will just continue to pludge through my days until the golden opportunity comes for me to get to do the things I have planned. Some days I just feel very picked on and put off, as if my plans don't matter. This morning in prayer, I think my mind was clouded by this intense "picked on" feeling, my prayers were all over the place, I could not achieve the calm that comes each morning when I relax my mind and chat with my Father in Heaven. I felt unsettled in my belly, I felt anxious in my heart and no matter what I did I could not get into my groove. I stopped for a while just to allow myself to calm, then my daughter called and we had a wonderful chat, I realized now that I was just in need of her...of her spirit, of her voice, of her humor, of just HER! I know that many of us are without our children today, whether it be like me, they live in another state, or for those who have children enlisted in the service, or off to college, or who have passed and now reside in heaven. Today I feel you, my heart aches for you, my eyes spill tears for you for I know that our children are the very blood that runs through our veins, they are our life force and they are the beats of our heart. I cannot imagine if I could not receive her call, I cannot imagine not hearing her voice, not laughing and crying with her...thus the word...COMPASSION...enters my mind. I feel ashamed that I was sitting on such a big pity pot, not being able to relax and feel calm, I feel embarrassed that I was woe is me, when all I had to do was pick up the phone.  Today I ask that we join in prayer for those who have lost a child, who have lost such a huge part of themselves, who get up each day and feel that a beat is missing, for those who only have memories to cling to, for those who hold dear that last picture that was taken, for those who just need to hear a voice...May your day be blessed with a special feeling, a certain smell, a whisper that allows you to feel your lost one. I know that our time on earth is short, I know that one day we will be together forever, I know that God has a beautiful plan for us, that he is in all that we do and that he is holding our babies until we can join with them again. Today I feel each of you so strongly and I know that if you quiet your minds, that if you take time to listen and to feel that you will be blessed with them. Love to you in Christ. God bless and keep you! 

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