"Oh What A Beautiful Morning"

Happy weekend!!! As many of you know, my morning "sits" with our Father in heaven are my favorite part of each and every day...when I open my eyes each morning I thank him for allowing me another day, I ask him to be in each step that I take and every breath that enters my body and then I am up and "attem" I get my coffee and my special Betty Blankie and head outside to do some real chatting! I love it around 6 or so, there is no noise to speak of, only the beautiful song of the birds! I like to sit with my head tilted toward the heavens and let the sky absorb me, I enjoy so much the colors of the morning, some days there are cotton ball clouds, some days the clouds are dark and sad, some days the sky takes on a shade of "salmon" with even purple streaks, all days there is only beautiful, peaceful window to heaven, beautiful,... I then begin my talk, never knowing what I will feel when done, only that I will feel satisfied and I will feel complete. Many years ago, I referred to Jesus Christ as "my buddy" and was literally...scolded...for using disrespect! I hope this does not offend you but I do think of him as "my buddy" "my best friend" "my confidant" "my sounding board" "my everything", I was told that I must never refer to him as "my buddy" again as it would be upsetting to people in my church...needless to say... each morning during my "sit" I talk to my Father in heaven and "my Buddy" So this morning as I sat there head tilted toward the heavens, the clouds were amazing, there were abundant...almost on the verge of cotton ball status....but not quiet, a little dark sadness mixed in amongst the snow white colors, some were fat clouds taking up large areas and some were just little spits of clouds squeezed in here and there, the blue was visible in the breaks of the clouds and it was amazing. I sat there imagining our Father in Heaven sitting before the sky easel, Bob Ross sitting at his right side and the two of them just creating clouds....it was a warm and happy heart thought. As I was sitting there I was overcome with the sense of "difference" so was impressed the word difference that it did not take me long to understand...in looking at the clouds God was blessing us with all shapes and sizes, from pure virgin white to the darker ones, he did not leave any out, he included every single one of them and it had to be that way to make the picture complete....I was speaking with a dear friend the other day when the conversation turned to feelings of "not being worthy of love", not being pretty enough to do this, not being thin enough to do that and try as I may in pointing out the beauty that I could see, it just did not sink in.... she did not get it.... outer beauty is what it is OUTER....yes I am sure our Father in Heaven would like to see "our temples" in a size that is healthy for each of us...but turn his back on us because we are not in perfect form...I think not...he sees inside people,  at how they are with children and animals, he looks for "real" smiles and laughter,  for kindness, at our ability to be gentle, at the way we speak and at how we love others  in their lives....when we use these gifts, when we honor him by taking advantage of these blessings and touching others...that is when we are beautiful..it does not take a little slim "cutesy body" it does not take perfect hair, make up, expensive clothing, fancy automobiles, plastic surgery....it just takes us doing what is expected of us. Today I pray that you feel your worth, that if you have been feeling low because your are aging, because your wedding dress does not fit any more, that the gray is getting harder and harder to cover, that the lines on your face are becoming more visable, that certain parts are heading south rapidly....FEEL YOUR WORTH, don't think you are loved less because your are not perfect, you are loved because YOU are YOU. May God bless you with a feeling of intense love as you read this, may he allow you to feel how pleased he is with you and how much he needs you to share his love and his word with others. God bless each of you this day with all that is needed and may blessing be in great abundance for you and yours:) Love in Christ my dear friends, Love in Christ!!! 

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