on the inside looking out!

Good morning friends, today I am stuck inside of the house, our beautiful morning turned into a stormy, rainy day yesterday and the rain is still falling. We have really had our share of rain this month, I so wish I could bottle it up and send it to those in need, since that is not possible, I will just continue to pray for those of you who are in need. This morning my heart continues to be heavy for all of those affected by the tornados on Sunday, Joplin Missouri is heavy on my mind...to think that in just a matter of minutes their lives were completely torn apart, their comforts lost to the ravages of the storm, life as they have known it gone. The one beautiful thing that I see taking place in this disaster is how compassion has come in to play. Just as when the twin towers were taken out, we banded together as a strong Christian nation, and assisted where we could, we let go of pettiness and gave from our hearts, we allowed ourselves to show our father in heaven that when the doorbell of disaster rings, there is a mighty force of Christians there to answer it. I know this does not repair the damage, does not bring back the loves that were lost, does not rebuilt the town, but it does show proof that we are ready to stand as great warriors of God to help where needed, to pray fervently for those who feel so lost and afraid. It brings tears to my eyes to see this level of compassion in our greed filled world. Praise the Lord, praise his name on high that we do come to the aid of our brothers and sisters when they are in need! I will continue to lift them all in prayer, as I know that our Father in Heaven is the great comforter, he is the peace builder and he is the one who will bring them though this storm. 

Two passages in the New Testament quote Jesus of Nazareth espousing the golden rule:
12Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
A similar passage is Luke 10:25-28
25And one day an authority on the law stood up to put Jesus to the test. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to receive eternal life?”
26What is written in the Law?” Jesus replied. “How do you understand it?” 27He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.’(Deuteronomy 6:5) And, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ” 28“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do that, and you will live.”.
I try each and everyday to follow the "golden rule" as hard as it might be at times, when I feel tested and tried to my very end, I still turn the other cheek, I still ask God to forgive those that cause hurt in my heart, I pray that whatever is the culprit of people being "naughty" that God take it from them and replace it with love. Today if there is someone in your life causing you pain, causing you grief..ask special favor for them, ask God to show them that their actions are not pleasing, don't judge, don't retaliate, don't allow them to ruin the beautiful day God has made for you, ask of him to bring them peace of heart and to allow them to see what they are doing! When you have done this, I promise you will feel wonderful, your heart will dance with joy and God will be much pleased with you. God bless each of you this day, take time today to feel his love:) 

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