Prayers for Joplin Missouri

Our dear kind and merciful Father in Heaven, I come to you with humble heart and on bended knees, asking that you be ever present in Joplin Missouri, Father I know that through our savior Jesus Christ that you will literally hold each of these victims of the tornadoes in you arms, that you will become the shield they need to protect them from further pain and suffering. So many have lost all of their earthly possessions father , they feel overwhelmed, lost, hurt and so, so, afraid. Father I ask that you hold them, let them rest in your arms all the while giving them comfort and peace, give them unspoken knowledge that you will be with them each step of the way in rebuilding, that you will be with them in sorting through what is left of their lives and will help them to regain and shine. Lord I ask that you cover the ones who have lost their loved ones and bless them with the knowledge that this is but a short separation, that one day we will all be together forever. So much tragedy is happening in our world father, just be a shield for all of us, we know that all things happen for a reason and at this time we may not understand, but that if we hold fast to the rod, cling to our faith and believe, that you will deliver to us the answers to all of our questions. Father I say these words from the very bottom of my heart, I seal this prayer up with all the love I possess in my being, and I lift it to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, amen. 

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