
Today is a special day for many men and women, it is a day honoring those who have given their all protecting our United States. From the very first war to the current day war we have lost brave men and women who have stood their ground defending ours. As we go through today, enjoying gatherings with family and friends, as we sit today enjoying freedom, enjoying the life that we have come to know, I will be thinking of the ones who gave their lives in battle so that we can. I will be mindful and in prayer for the families who got the call, the letter, the notification their their son, daughter, brother, sister, relative, husband, wife, daddy, mommy....would not be coming home to rejoin life with them but would be coming home to their final resting place. Today I will prayer many times for our soldiers who are in the line of fire, for the ones who arose this morning not knowing if today will be their final day. We say all of the time, live today as it will be your last for tomorrow may never come, I think many times we say this without really thinking about the meaning of the words...I think those in the battle do think about the words, I think when they arise each morning, don their fatigues, ready their weapon, and take their positions where there is not much protection, that they do think of the what ifs. Today I would like for you to join me in a ~~~SALUTE~~~ to our brothers and sisters in the military.
Our merciful Father in heaven, I bow my head humbly to you today, asking that you feel my heart, that you  feel the love and the respect that lies within its walls for the men and women who have given themselves for us to continue having freedom here. Father I ask that as families go today to honor those that were lost in war, that you will touch them with your spirit, that you will allow them to see something that brings back living memory of their lost love, that you will allow them a smell that sparks a memory of happy times with their loved one, that you will give them confirmation that even though they are not here physically that they are in spirit, that they continue to protect us, that they continue to be right by our sides shielding us from harm. God we thank thee for all that you do for us, for the mercies you provide us, for the earthly soldiers that walk here to keep us with the ability to worship you freely and without fear of harm in doing so. I know that when a soldier is taken from us here that his helmet is replaced with a halo and his pack replaced with angel wings, I know that they become warriors in your army God and I thank you for allowing them to continue on in their jobs, the job of protector. In the name of my savior Jesus Christ, I thank you over and over again for the selfless acts of courage and protection. Amen.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing, Dawn.