Don't be selfish...share your smile and be the first domino:)


 Hello and happy Monday!!! Today is a beautiful day outside, after the storm last night every thing seems clean and cheery, we are at 66 degrees, blue skies and sunshine with a forecast for 91 and sun all day long:)  I am praying for cool and rain relief for all of my friends in the south, some of the temperatures posted yesterday were crazy hot!
     This morning as I sat in prayer I prayed for each of you, asking God to bless you with peace in heart, comfort in body and calm in mind! I prayed for all of those who were effected by the hurricane, even though it was not nearly as devastating as it could have been, it still has left a multitude of people with so much loss, homes are flooded, and so many stranded and without electricity! Please continue to pray with me for the clean up crews, for the ones who will have to begin again and for patience and faith in all! I sat here in the quiet calm, chatting with my Father in heaven and felt so thankful that I am able to sit and chat with him each and every morning, each and every afternoon and each and every evening! No doubt this is one of the biggest blessings in my life. I am so thankful for each of you who continue to be such inspirations to me, for being strength and wonder in my eyes, we all have a story to tell and in telling our story we help others to know that they are not alone in the troubles they are experiencing in their personal lives. Today I ask that you take time to recognize those that are struggling and be a light to them, thank God for what you do have and pray for someone who is lacking! I ask that you lay down your woes and pray for others, quit living in the sadness in your life, raise your head toward the "son" and be the example and strength for someone who is in need! Give of yourself as God has given of his, and watch the miracle of friendship and relief on someone else's face. Be free from prejudice and nay,nay,nay thoughts and give of yourself! I know blessings are stacked one on top of the other just waiting to be given, but we have to be willing to work for them! I think giving a smile, a kind word, a a very small sacrifice for the wonderment God is willing to give to those who show him they want to be more like Christ! Join me if you will and lets make a difference in someones heart today, instead of being frustrated at others moods, at others attitudes...pray for them for you have not walked in their shoes and you have no idea what is going on in their lives! Positive produces positive, negative...negative....what kind of force will you be today???? I am going for the positive:)
Love to each of you and know that you can make a difference, it is like the domino effect, it only takes the first domino being pushed over to make the others follow suit:)

As always please go to the comment section and feel free to let us know of any specific prayer requests you have, we stand ready to lift those in need in prayer many times this day! God is love, he is merciful and if we go through our savior Jesus Christ all of our prayers will be answered. 

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