Can I hear an AMEN!!!!!

     Hello and happy Sunday.."OH HAPPY DAY" when Jesus washed, he washed my sins away~~~ I love this song, it gives me joy in heart. I love Sunday's, I love to fill my spiritual tank so that my spirit is renewed and I can be ready for a new week! I love partaking of the sacrament, the renewal of the covenants I made with God and Jesus Christ when I accepted them in to my heart. I so love the fact that I can repent of my sins and know that I am forgiven. "Ain't it amazin'?"
     In prayer this morning as I sat in quiet meditation, I could feel the holy ghost all around me, the chills that engulfed my body were so immense that I began to cry. I love our Heavenly Father so much, just thinking of the pain he felt when he offered his son for me is overwhelming. I asked in prayer, what can I do today Father to honor you, what can I do to allow you to feel the love I have in my being for you! As always my heart was filled with a word, it was as if he was sitting right there beside me, holding my hand, the great words of wisdom flowing between us, I felt as if he were holding my hand giving me knowledge of his plan for me today. I felt the prompting that we must "share" today, we must lay down our fear of embarrassment, we must lift up our heads, hold straight our shoulders and strip ourselves clean of wondering what others will "think" about us. Have you ever been made fun of or ridiculed because you were a "JESUS FREAK" have you ever neglected a prompting to offer to pray for someone, or to tell someone you have been praying for them? Have you ever kept quiet and not made loud when God was urging you to say, AMEN or HALLELUJA or GOD BLESS YOU...because it might make people look at you in an odd way? Today is the day that you let those feelings of embarrassment go, today is the day that you follow the prompting of your heart and allow the spirit of our Lord and Savior, ooooooooozzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeee out of you. Share the gospel, let people know that God and Jesus Christ reside in your heart, share it with everyone!

I am amazed by an AMAZING GOD today. He never ceases to amaze me...
So today, this beautiful Sunday morning I pay tribute to this amazing God, by just lifting up my hands and surrendering my entire being to Him today asking Him to teach me to do His will.

Once we surrender our mind to GOD completely, HE will take care of us in every way.

"If you have really handed yourself over to Him it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you."
C.S. Lewis,

"Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground."
Psalm 143:10

    I love you Lord, I come on bended knees this morning to honor you! I give my heart and soul to you and trust in your word. Father I ask you today, to touch the hearts of those who struggle with faith, with believing, impress upon their hearts the power of "you" allow them an answer to a question that they have been asking so that they no longer "ponder" the validity of you, replace any doubt they might have with truth..replace weakness with strength, replace nay,nay, nay with yea, yea, yea Father. I know the truths and I am living witness to miracles given through prayer, I know that through Christ each believer can return to stand beside you in the eternities, I stand up in honor of you Father, I raise my hands to the heavens in the knowledge that you are there and that you embrace me each day when I speak your name. Never let me go, hold tight to me and please continue to show me the way! I thank you Father for the blessings in my life, the simple "life" blessings, I thank you for the good and the bad for I know that if I hold fast to my faith, plant my feet firmly and stand my ground....satan can never touch me, he can try...but I refuse to allow him to move even one of my hairs in his direction. Hold tight to me this day Father and know that I am holding tight to you! In Jesus name I ask these mercies, amen.

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