"You are the love of my life, and I'm so glad you found me!"


Happy Sunday, sitting out this morning 55 degrees, the birds singing, the sky a hazy blue with forecast of rain showers and 86 degrees later today. The sun is just now peaking over the mountain top and its warmth is so welcome against my morning chilled skin! Awwww, life is good! I would like to thank all of those who have been praying for me, for the first time in months the swelling in my legs and feet is down, I actually can see my shin and ankle bones! According to the scale I have lost 18 lbs, which was nothing but fluid retention! I thank you again!
     As I sit her this morning I find myself thinking about "love" I have been a 3 time loser when it comes to love. I have "looked for love in all of the wrong places" and have been in relationships that were the furthest things from love that there could ever be...I "settled" because I did not feel I could do any better, or that I was worthy of a really "good man" I felt this come over my heart in prayer this morning and knew that this was the direction my message needed to go this morning. Since the day I met my Wayde, I have been sickly, my lupus has spiraled out of control for the last 3 years, my bones continue to deteriorate at a rapid pace and I have been a mess! I have never had anyone "take care of me" I have never had anyone who put me first and who loved me unconditionally with the exception of our Father in Heaven! I continue to be overcome with tears at the nice things he does for me, at the exceptional care that Wayde offers me and for what reason...no reason at all, just because he loves me. I have always been the one to "do it all" I have been the cook, the housekeeper, the launderer, the yard person, even helped in automachanics...I have been the nurse, the parent...etc..and held down a full time job. When I met Wayde I was broken, I was humbled, I was lost and so very alone.  I vowed one day to never, ever love again. Actually I said to God..."if there is to be love in my life Father, you will need to deposit the person on my door step" " I will never look for love again and I certainly will never make the decision to be in another relationship" " I am tired and I am broken" I know many of you know the story as to our meeting and it has been a fairy tale every day since. I am so very blessed to have Wayde in my life and have learned the true meaning of partnership, the true meaning of compassion and empathy, the true meaning of selflessness and true love! I thank God each day for this blessing and accept the gift with one goal in mind, to make Wayde feel as loved as he makes me feel! I pray today that "love" is in your life, that in your relationship your partner and you work equally to make smiles and laughter, that you share in responsibility and that you work as a team to have peace and harmony in your life. Women, honor your men, allow them to see and feel the love you hold in your heart for them...Men, honor your women, it is okay to help with chores, it is okay to let them see a more vulnerable side to you, it is okay to pamper them. Appreciate one another, treat your partner like you want to be treated, don't belittle them, don't shadow over them, don't neglect them...treat them with the respect you would like to be treated with. If you have chosen them to be by your side, then you have said..."you are my best friend, my business partner, my everything!!! If you have made this decision act upon it and let your love flow! I thank you Wayde for all that you are to me, if I can be half the partner you are, then we shall be forever together! I get up every morning wondering what can I do today to make him feel loved and honored! Take time today with your partner to let he/she know just what they mean to you and if you have been having shortcomings in your relationship, take a sit this morning and decide on some things that you can do to make it better! I love each of you and pray that today will be the first day of the  rest of your lives together, that you will recognize your spouse with new eyes and will vow to be the best partner you can be!
     Please continue to pray for Sam from biggest loser as he struggles from an accident yesterday, he is in critical condition and in need of mass prayer! Please continue to pray for all of the new babies born this week that they come into the world feeling loved and wanted and that they begin and follow through life being led by Christ's example. Continue in prayer for those saying goodbye to a loved one, that they feel love, peace, comfort and calm. Please pray for the weather battered Gulf Coast and East Coast and for the drought and heat stricken areas of the south with fires burning out of control. Please continue to pray for one another, we have no way of knowing the burdens of others unless we walk in their shoes, do not judge, only love!!!! Please continue to pray for me and my health, the prayers are truly taking my illness and kicking it from my body! Please pray for our military that soon they all will be home on American soil and no longer in harms way, pray for our government that they will begin to realize that without God we cannot prosper and grow, pray for those suffering illness both physical and mental, for those who are weak in spirit and in faith and for those who strike against you. Ask God to forgive anyone who has hurt you and move forward, don't allow anger in your heart to allow you to join satan's army, cling fast to truth and "right" and fight your battles under the leadership of the one and only true leader, Father God! In Jesus name I pray, amen!

I come to you with request that if you have need for special prayer, if you have need to make comment or to ask us to pray with or for you that you click on the comment link and place a comment for us, our circle of prayer is growing rapidly with prayer warriors from all over the world joining us in prayer! We stand ready to lift you as you lift others in humble prayer to our Father in Heaven. God bless you , and you, and you.....