When is the last time you watched a sunset with your family?


  As I sat here today, enjoying the quiet in the house and be cool of the outside, I  got to thinking about why things that I used to take for granted seem to be so valuable to me now! I don't remember taking time to marvel over the sunsets and now each day I include it into my status, I don't remember ever loving the song of the crickets in the evening and now I long to hear them! I don't remember looking forward to getting up really early in the morning, wrapping in my blankie and waiting eagerly to face the sunrise and the dawn of the new day! I don't remember praying, praying, praying...I prayed but it was without thought and now I pray with all of the love my heart contains! My dad worked much of the time and my mom, raising 7 kids did not take time to appreciate things such as I mentioned...I have tired to instill in my daughter the beauty that God creates for us, I have tried to have Megan take time each day to appreciate all that is within her sight, to see things for what they are, sheer love and beauty from God. I love the fact that we can sit for long periods of time just really enjoying these blessings and gifts. Parents, take time to teach your kiddos about the little things, the wonders of God and allow them to see and appreciate, it will become one of your favorite memories! Turn off the television, plan a date to sit out at sunset and just enjoy the gifts you are given! I promise it will be special and it will bring you closer to your loved ones:)
         Tonight I ask you to pray with me as we do every night, so many are in such need, we as children of God need to be mindful of others, we need to fervently pray for our nation, for our government, for those affected by adverse weather, for those suffering illness, to include depression, for those struggling with rowdy children, for those in financial ruin, for those who are having issues with jobs. God answers each and every prayer, please I ask you, please pray with me! Let us make a difference in anothers life this day! God bless you and keep you safe! In Jesus name we shall ask blessings and mercies...amen.

As always I come to you and invite you to leave a comment, post a prayer request or just give a hearty 'amen"! I look forward to hearing from you! Love in Christ:) 

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