How do you want to be remembered?


 Good morning and happy Friday! What a beautiful morning we have, the sky is a blue that only God could concoct, amazing....63 degrees and sunshine! I love, love, love this time of year:) Have you ever really sat and just let your mind wonder while looking toward heaven, sometimes I do and I promise you it has a way of calming anxiety, a way of giving hope when it is lacking and a way of knowing that God truly "IS" nothing else could be the explanation for this vast beauty, for the tranquility felt, and for the peace I come away with! God is soooooo good:)
     This morning in prayer as I sat having my chat with God, I felt calm, peace filled, and comforted. I prayed my usual morning prayers and thanked him for my life, for my family, for my friends, and for the sacrifice he made so that I could be forgiven through repentance when I step off of the path. I then remembered a time when I gave a fireside chat to some 12 year old young ladies about being on the wrong side of the of the girls asked me "how do you know when you are on the wrong side?" a very valid question, especially for this day and time here on earth...when there is news on a daily basis about ministers who themselves have fallen away, who are practicing in acts that are certainly not of God. When we look at the shape our country is in and we see so much misdeed, so much crime, so many  lies! I am sure our youth are confused as to right and wrong. I told this beautiful young lady, " if we do not follow our hearts, and follow the words of the bible, the tenants of the gospel, and God's direction, if we fall into the "hip" trap and forget what we have been taught, we allow satan to entice us to the other side. This young lady sat there in quiet thought and seemed to really begin to understand the rest of the chat, at least I thought she did. After the chat we were sitting by a fire and she asked if she could sit by me, of course she could. We began to quietly talk and she said that her family was not what they appeared to be in church on Sunday, she began to tell me the troubles that were taking place in the home and it broke my heart! I listened until she was ready for me to speak and as I listened I asked God to guide my words so that they might be reasonable to this child, that they might awaken the confusion and allow her to see what really is right and what is wrong! when she was ready for me to talk, I opened my heart and allowed the words that God needed me to say. She did go to sleep that night with a better understanding and in the morning when we were packing up to leave the overnight campout, she stood a little taller, she interacted a little more with the other girls and there was a glow in her eyes. She felt renewed and she understood! Now, years later, this young lady is a mother and a wife, she is very involved in her church and is on the "right side of the track" It thrills me to know that God spoke through me, the words that changed this little girls take on the world, on religion, and on life! I had a friend when I was in grade school that I was allowed to sleep over at her house from time to time, her family was "all that and a bag of chips" her mother was especially kind and I loved getting to be a part of their family if only for a night here and there! When I grew up I continued to look at this family as my inspiration! The mother of my friend touched my heart and I will forever be thankful for the kindness she showed me, even in my adult life she continued to be kind! On the day that I leave this world I too want to be remembered as a "kind" person, one that touched the life of someone else, if only it is one person that I touched then I have done God's will. I think many of us feel that we are but one person, we are insignificant in this huge world...but we are not, we are children of God and we are here for a purpose and a reason...If you can touch the heart of someone with kindness today...please do it, you never now when a person is in need of just what you can give to never know when God has placed you in that persons path with the plan of you being the one who makes a difference! Ask God today to show you the direction you need to go, ask him to lead you in the path of someone in need of your gifts and your blessings! Be the one who later in life you will be remembered for what you do today:) May God bless each and every one of you with his kind and gentle love!
     May this day be filled with an abundance of blessings and may your eyes be opened to the beauty around you...take time to stop and smell the flowers and know they were made just to please you! God is good, he is the beginning and the end and all that lies in between, allow him to be your guide and know that the right side of the tracks is where all the good stuff is:) I love you!!!

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