If you only make a difference to one person, you have pleased our Father in heaven!


 "another one bites the dust"....yes another day has come and is quickly coming to a close! It has been a bit of a lazy day for me, some days I do not even feel like getting up and out, my bones are aching, and my joints scream each time I bend them! I would say my lupus is telling me to take a break, to lay it down and rest a bit! So I heeded the call and did just what my body was telling me today:)
     I pray that each of you had a wonderful day, I pray that any problems you may be having were a little less today, that you see a light at the end of the tunnel and that you know that God is with you in each facet in your life and he wants only good for you! Trust and believe, hold tight to your faith and don't let negative overcome positive!
      Let us continue to pray for those in need, for the ones suffering loss of a loved one, for all of the new babies being born, for those struggling with addiction, with financial problems, with health problems, for those who are rehabbing and for those who see darkness and have forgotten how the light looks. If you see someone in need of a friend, be one, if you see someone in need of a shoulder be one, if you see someone in need of a smile, give one! We can make a difference if only we use our heart!


As the old man walked down a Spanish beach at dawn, he saw ahead of him what he thought to be a dancer. The young man was running across the sand, rhythmically bending down to pick up a stranded starfish and throw it far into the sea.

The old man gazed in wonder as the young soul again and again threw the small starfish from the sand into the water. The old man approached him and asked why he spent so much energy doing what seemed a waste of time. The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left until the morning sun.

"But there are thousands of miles of beach, and miles and miles of starfish. How can your effort make any difference?"

The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand, and as he threw it to safety in the sea, said, "It makes a difference to this one!"

Don't let a day pass without paying it forward, it costs nothing to be kind to others:) I love you all and pray for you each and every day:) Peace be with you!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I received a call from the mother of a lady I know. It was sorta random, and she asked me to pray for her daughter. I am and would like you to as well. If you want to post it or put on your blog, you can. She is adopting a baby and the birth mother has until the morning to change her mind. Apparently the family of this girl has joined in and it seems they are trying to get her to do just that. The lady I know is a wonderful Christian woman, 37 or so years old and has been praying and waiting for a child. Please pray for her!! Thanks Dawn!!

Dawn said...

Our loving Father in heaven I come to you this night with a very special request, father babies are born in all type of circumstances, some are planned some are surprises some are mistakes in the eyes of the mother, not mistakes for being born but mistakes for the time and situation. Many times father mothers have to make a decision as to what is best for the child, tonight father there is a wonderful Christian family who are eager to give a sweet new baby a forever loving home, they have tried and not succeeded to have their own child and have been waiting with open hearts and arms to complete their family. Father you know the desires in their heart, you now the intent with the child and you know what is written in your plan, if it be your will God allow the birth mother to realize that this family is so deserving, do not allow others to cause her to make a decision that she knows is not the right decision. Place your hands upon the birth mothers heart father and help her to see and understand what she is struggling so hard with. Father lay your hands on the adoptive mother and allow her to feel the pain and struggle the birth mother is going through, allow her to have compassion and understanding. Father we know you have written the book, we know you have designed the pattern for our lives, again if it be your will allow this adoption to go through and most importantly give this baby a chance to be loved and raised in a home that is pleasing to you, allow this baby to be taken care of and given every chance to know you and to live according to your tenants. In the name of Jesus our savior I ask these mercies and blessings, amen.