Let not your heart be troubled...

This morning I bow my head in humility for all the blessings he does provide in my life, yesterday when I saw the coming together of so many, to lift prayer, to comfort others, to offer of themselves...I was humbled! It takes a tragedy sometimes to bring unity! Let us be prayerful this day for any and all suffering the loss of a loved one, any and all suffering illness and rehabilitation, any suffering abuse at the hand of another, any struggling with addiction, any who are clinging to life, any and all struggling with faith, any and all struggling with finance, with rebuild from a natural disaster, today...let not your heart be troubled, trust God in all situations and allow your faith to carry you through the storms of life, trust that the final victory will have been worth the earthly struggle. Believe that a better day is gonna come and cling to your love for Jesus Christ and honor Father God each and everyday for his sacrifice. Never take a moment for granted, we are not promised tomorrow, we must live according to his guidelines so that we too can return to live with him one day! God bless each of you , cry for your loss, but let your tears be filled with the knowledge that it is not "goodbye" it is only "I"ll see you soon!"

Today's Verse
Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name's sake.
— Psalm 79:9 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

We don't deserve the grace we need! We have no right to presume God's forgiveness! We have no reason to expect divine deliverance! But in Jesus, God has shown us his incredible love and generosity. We can confidently call out for his mercy and receive his grace, forgiveness, and deliverance -- not because we deserve it, but because of who he is and for the sake of his glorious name.

My Prayer...

Holy and awesome God, I need your grace and forgiveness. I need your deliverance from the tempter's snare. Without your power and mercy, I will surely fail. May the grace you extend to me bring you praise. May the forgiveness you lavish on me bring others to honor you. May your deliverance of me from the tempter's snare bring glory to your name. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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