What you feel/ think of prayer?

     Happy Friday evening, what a nice day, Wayde and I got out and took a long leisurely ride through the canyon and got really excited to see that the trees are beginning to change from the green of summer to the bright oranges, yellows, and reds of the fall. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year and the ride left me in such a festive mood!
      I pray that this has been a wonderful day for you , that the stress and the heartbreak of the week is being controlled through faith and God's love and that you are ready now for a relaxing spirit filled evening! I am going to tend my two youngest little G~babe girls...Dakota was so excited that Mimi and Poppi were tending her, she told her mom.."you and dad can go on a date "cause" I am gonna have a date with my Mimi"...she sure knows how to twist me around her little finger:) SOOOOO, I will be spending my Friday night playing disneyland trivia, which I am sure she will best me at!
     This has been a most difficult week for so many, with the untimely death of the young mother and unborn baby, the passing of a friends beloved aunt, the passing of my daughter's boyfriends grandfather, the little boy who is in ICU with brain trauma from an abusive babysitter, the daughter of a facebook friend who is in ICU from a problem with am epidural in child birth, all of the ones I pray for who are in rehabilitation from sustained injuries, for the one who is struggling with a son suffering drug addiction, the one having fear of an upcoming surgery, the friend who is losing another friend to cancer, all of the ones we have prayed over here on our blog,  the ones who find themselves with nothing due to losing their homes to fires, floods, torandoes...etc. The list for prayer goes on and on! I ask you to pray for all of the above and all who are in need that we do not even know about! I know that miracles happen each day, I am witness to them, I hear from people that come with requests, the outcome to the prayers that are lifted. God is pure love, he is seeking you just as you are seeking him. Let us all pray together!

The LORD is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.
Proverbs 15: 29(NKJV)

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”. Matthew 18: 19-20(NKJV)

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