My baby is having a baby:)

         Good evening, boy what a day this has been for me, I have shared in the excitement of so many when they got the news that they were going to be a grandparents wondering if I ever would feel what they were feelign, I have been "Mimi" to six babies none of which are blood but all of which I simply adore! I have been heard saying so many times... if this is how it is to love a g~babe, how in the heck will it feel to love a grandbaby? I was only fortunate enough to mother one child, when she was born I fell in love unlike I had ever loved before, as the years went past, I fell deeper and deeper in love with her, she is my child, she is my best friend, she is my heart and soul, next to God she is my entire world! I am so very pleased with the woman that she has become, she has such faith, faith that she does not even recognize but that is recognized by many. She is smart, funny, sometimes naughty, filled with love (huge love) especially when it comes to the elderly and the handicapped. She is the finest daughter a mother could ever be blessed with, not saying she is perfect and that we have had perfect, but what we have had is the "umph" to weather the storms and always make it to the lighthouse! Megan has announced to me that she now is going to be a mother, (tears flowing for the 20th time today)  What a wonderful, wonderful, blessing for she and Derek. The timing is a bit off as they had other plans for their life in the near future, but what a wonderful gift from God and what a LOUD answer to a big STATEMENT. They were planning to move to the Virgin Islands to see if island life was as enticing and inviting as it seems, the statement was made, "the only thing that would keep us from going would be if I got pregnant"...being told several years ago that it would be unlikely that she become pregnant without the aid of treatment, her statement was pretty much just that a statement and it appeared they would be purchased and then BOOM....she is pregnant. I would venture to say that their plan and God's plan were much different.  I am so very happy for the both of them, they are such a well matched couple, they have a love that so many desire and now they will begin a family. I know that they will be outstanding parents, I have seen traits in both that merit this wonderful blessing. I lift them in prayer asking God to oversee this pregnancy, that the baby will be strong in both body and spirit and that there will be no health issues for baby or mommy. In Jesus' beautiful name, amen.
     I come to you tonight and ask that you pray with me, so many are in need, let us pray for those to weak to pray for themselves, let us recognize the needs in others and pray for them. May God bless you this evening with joy and love in your heart and with health in your body. Asking a special prayer for a sweet friend who has lost her father, may our Father in heaven comfort her as only he can. 


Anonymous said...

Dawn, asking for prayer for my son and myself. He got in trouble at school today and has now told me that he wants out of our family.... he has just run away. I need prayer for this situation .... please. I am crying to hard to continue this .....

Dawn said...

Our kind and merciful father in heaven, I come to you on bended knees asking that you will wrap your arms around the household of this family, that you will determine the problem and bring it to the surface so that a healing can begin, father you are there and you know what they need in order to get back on track and once again have peace in their lives. Father I ask that you walk with this youth wherever he may go and protect him from things that he is not used to , protect him from the evil that so longs to entice him in. Father hold this heartbroken mother in your arms and allow her to weep until her tears run out, allow her to feel your love and your comfort and allow her the knowledge that by your hands this problem shall be solved. We love you father and ask these mercies in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ, amen.