I need to do work internally to be a better example externally???


Good morning and happy, happy, Tuesday:) I first would like to thank those who took time to offer your heartfelt congrats about the news of me becoming a "Mimi" the wishes are so appreciated and really touched my heart:)
     This morning in prayer as I sat in my quiet place, as my prayers for you and yours were coming to an end I then asked God if I could bend his ear for a moment longer as it was brought to my attention yesterday that I complain a lot, when it was put to me yesterday, my first instinct was to lash out but I did not...I let it absorb into my mind and I really sat and thought about the words. As they came from someone I respect whole heartedly I really thought about it...I then said to this certain someone, "well I do have a lot of aches and pains in my body!" trying to compensate for what I was hearing. Then this was put to me..." I know your body hurts and I know you have a lot of sickness in your body, you do not really complain about that. in that... that is not the issue !, You complain about life, about the way people "don't get it" about how others are living their lives etc...!" I had to absorb this even deeper as I had no idea I was doing this....I like to think that I am for the most part, upbeat, happy, patient, understanding, accepting...etc..., after I sat and pondered this issue, I see where I have much room for improvement! I "do" complain a lot, I do get so frustrated when people continue to do what they are doing and time and again fall down, when all they have to do is ask God to help them.! I felt embarrassed, I felt ashamed, and I felt sad! SO, today I have awakened with a new light bulb in the socket and am ready to stop complaining! I must realize that I  cannot change others... this is my first course of action, even if I can see that the road they are on is not a good road, I cannot change the direction they are going, All I can do is stick to my own direction and be a good example, if they chose not to turn around and get back on course I have to let them continue on, all I can do is pray for them! ( note to self, pray for them and leave them in God's hands) I feel sad in knowing that the person that brought this to light for me has had to endure my "complaining" much and I pray that I can be rid of this negative trait and allow a more positive me to be seen. Sometimes the truth hurts, but I am so thankful there is truth! My first response was to throw out an excuse for why I complain as I do....there is no excuse except for the fact that I think everyone should be on the same road and driving in the right direction...I am so very thankful that this comment was made to me, sometimes we all need a reality check, we all need to clean our  mirrors so that we can see our flaws more clearly! I love this person more today than I did yesterday for being honest with me!
      I began this morning in prayer as I said, and then went to my scriptures and googled "leading by example" WOW, there are many, many, many bible verses regarding this subject! Much to many for me to post...I read through them and chose a few that really touched my heart! If you can, take time today to follow the link below and see if there is room in your life to apply some of them! EYE OPENER I say  to you...
       1 Timothy 4:12...Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity....

1 Peter 5:3...Not domineering over those in charge, but being examples of the flock...

Galatians 6:1...brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him  in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

I love each of you and pray that if a person come to you to point out a negative you are participating in, that you will recognize it as constructive and you will ponder the action and ask our Father in Heaven what you can do internally to be a better example externally! May this day be filled with answers to prayers, may you feel the love of God in all that you do, may your light shine brightly so that someone in the darkness may find their way! God is love, he is amazing and he is yours if only you allow it! Peace be with you! 


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