Asking for your prayers:)


 Good Friday evening all, tonights message is going to be short as I am feeling very, very much under the weather! This cold seems to be increasing in severity and is really getting me down this evening! I pray that you all had a wonderful day today, that his day has been filled with only good things! Today prayers were answered in a mighty big way,  although there will still be punishment the young person we lifted this morning is in much better shape than was expected. The little one born 7 weeks early is growing and very healthy for her small little stature, I have had no new prayer request today so I am assuming that today has been a smooth day! Tonight I continue to pray my normal everyday prayers and ask that you continue to pray with me, so many are in need, all of the prayers that have been posted on here, the requests posted on facebook, prayers for ourselves and our families! We are so very fortunate to be able to pray openly and freely, always remember the ones who sacrifice themselves to keep us this way!
     I ask that you will pray for me that this cold does not decide to land in  my chest and give me another go around with pneumonia! I seem to get weaker each time I am struck with it! I thank you in advance for the prayers and look forward to sharing my world with you in the morning! Love in Christ to each of you and please too, pray for my Megan that the baby continue to grow inside her and be filled with health!


Anonymous said...

You helped me alot when my sister Jaimie was sick. Knowing that you lifted Jaimie, Mother and I in your prayers means more to me then words will ever be able to express. I am asking you to lift me in your prayers, I need a financial miracle since I used all my savings and retirement to help take care of Jaimie. Thank you

Dawn said...

My friend, thank you for the honor of requesting prayer, I feel so very blessed when I am able to pray for others! Heavenly father we come to you this night and ask that you lay your hands upon these shoulders, allow them to know that blessings are in wait for them and that at the appointed time you will take them in your arms and make a way! Father this family has been through much and have never wavered from their faith, they have trusted in you and the power of prayer and have stood ever faithful in the knowledge that you are the lighthouse in the storm. Watch over them father and give them comfort, peace and calm in this hour of their need! In Jesus' beautiful name I ask these mercies and blessings, amen.