Come and pray with me it you please! Come and pray "ON BENDED KNEES"


 Hello and happy Friday, I pray that your day has been a great one and that the weather wherever you are was as nice as ours has been, they are forecasting that we will be in the low 80 tomorrow, we have not been there in over 3 just might be our last hurrah before the cold sets in, I think I will get a picnic together for my G~babes and see if we can go and have some fun!
     Tonight, I ask for special prayers for a very special lady in my life, although we have never met I know that in the spirit world we were the best of friends and I know that when the day comes that we do meet it will be as if we have been comfortable friends all of our lives! Her sweet mom is beginning the journey of her passing over into paradise, it is agreed by all that she will be missed terribly and many hearts will be so filled with sadness, but it is also known that she is ready to be pain free and is ready to rejoin her husband and all those who have been waiting for her! Please pray with me for peace, calm and comfort!
     I also ask you to pray with me for a lady who is struggling with life right now, who has found herself in the throws of depression and is having a really difficult time with simple day to day tasks, I ask God to bless her with purpose, she has purpose just is neglecting to see her worth and how much love there is for her! I pray that she be enlightened and that her health wax strong so that she can once again find herself and her way.
     I pray for each of you this evening asking God to provide for you all that your heart desires, may you feel his presence and love in all that you do ! May this weekend provide you opportunity to visit with loved ones, to look at your lives and if there be need for change you ask God to bless you with the abilities needed. May you feel love in your lives and may you know you are so appreciated! I ask mercy and blessings in the name of Jesus Christ for one and all, Amen.

Romans 8:31-32
What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? If God is on our side, who can ever be against us? Since He did not spare even His own Son for us but gave Him up for us all, won't He also surely give us everything else?



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