I pray that you "BE IT or SEE IT"


 Good morning and Happy Saturday! I prayed this morning that each of you arose to the "son" and that you day will be filled with only good things, good thoughts, good deeds and good actions! Each morning when I awake, my first thought and gratitude is "thank you Father, for giving me another day!" I do this before my feet ever hit the floor! I look forward to my days in paradise where I will live free from pain and stress, where I will be with ones who only hold love in their hearts, where there is no way for satan to try and win me over or tempt me into doing things that I know are wrong! I look forward to the day that I can understand the events in my life. I also look forward to each day that I am given here, I know that we are here for a reason, for learning about choices, for making "right" choices, for sharing our love as God shared his for us, and as Jesus Christ shared his for us. I know there is much work to be done here, there are so many lost and confused souls, there are so many reaching out but not knowing what they are hungering for, not knowing what they need in their lives, so many who have yet to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. When I awake each morning I am filled with joy that today might be a day that I say or do something that makes a spark, and that brings a heart to the point of wanting more. Our Father in heaven needs each of us to be examples of truth and of good, he needs for us to be his lamps here on earth, lamps that will light the way to him! If we deny him this after we have accepted Christ as our savior, we are denying others the knowledge of him! I pray today that you either "be" the lamp or that if you are in need that you "see" the lamp! There are lamps all around you, so many have taken Christ as their personal savior and are here to be workers for God, I pray that today if you are in need of God's spirit that you will ask him to send someone before you who carries the lamp so that your spark might catch fire and you find in your heart the truth of God. He knows the troubles you've seen, he knows the "things" you have done, he knows the areas of "you" that need the most work and HE STILL LOVES YOU! He loves you so much that he gave his son for YOU!

      My prayer for you today: If you are in the dark, seek the lamp, ask them what keeps their fires burning so bright and allow them to show you where you can get your own lamp, if you are holding a lamp look around for those in the dark and let your love shine upon them, be the lamp that lights the way for them! God places people in our lives each and every day, all we need is to open our eyes and our hearts and realize this! 
    Psalm 119:105"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet." We are walkers through the city of this world, and we are often called to go out into its darkness; let us never venture there without the light-giving word, lest we slip with our feet. Each man should use the word of God personally, practically, and habitually, that he may see his way and see what lies in it. When darkness settles down upon all around me, the word of the Lord, like a flaming torch, reveals my way. Having no fixed lamps in eastern towns, in old time each passenger carried a lantern with him that he might not fall into the open sewer, or stumble over the heaps of ordure which defiled the road. This is a true picture of our path through this dark world, we should not know the way, or how to walk in it, if the Scripture, like a blazing flambeau, did not reveal it. One of the most practical benefits of Holy Writ is guidance in the acts of daily life; it is not sent to astound us with its brilliance, but to guide us by its instruction. It is true the head needs illumination, but even more the feet need direction, else head and feet may both fall into a ditch. Happy is the man who personally appropriates God's word, and practically uses it as his comfort and counsellor, - a lamp to his own feet. "And a light unto my path." It is a lamp by night, a light by day, and a delight at all times. David guided his own steps by it, and also saw the difficulties of his road by its beams. He who walks in darkness is sure, sooner or later, to stumble; while he who walks by the light of day, or by the lamp of night, stumbleth not, but keeps his uprightness. Ignorance is painful upon practical subjects; it breeds indecision and suspense, and these are uncomfortable: the word of God, by imparting heavenly knowledge, leads to decision, and when that is followed by determined resolution, as in this case, it brings with it great restfulness of heart.

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