Sticks and stones!!!! You know the old saying..well I think words hurt worse!!!


 39 degrees here in beautiful Utah, the rain is gently falling, the wind comes and goes and the sky is a solid gray this morning! In last night news broadcast the word "snow" found its way somehow into the weather man's not ready for that yet! Asking Mother nature to PLEASE let us have a nice fall first:)
     I wish each of you good morning, and pray that your night was one filled with peaceful rest and that the  morning thus far has been smooth and without incident! My heart was so sad yesterday to hear news that a sweet friend of mine lost one of her horses...out little 4 legged babies have a way of stealing our hearts and it hurts so bad when we have to say goodbye to one! I have 2 dogs, a cat, and a bird and would be lost without either of them! Asking God to bring her peace and comfort:)
     This morning in prayer, before my usual prayers were even finished I had such a strong sense of the Holy Ghost next to me, I had goosebumps come up on my arms, tears well up in my eyes and such a strong sense of him rise up in my heart! I love when I am praying and he allows me to feel him right beside me! I thank God each morning, early afternoon, lunchtime, early evening, and at bedtime too,( oh who am I kidding I thank him all day long) for allowing me to praise his name, I thank him for allowing me the freedoms to speak of him without fear of persecution...I would still speak of him out loud...until the last and final breath was stripped from my body would I speak of him! I thank him for allowing us to see miracles by his hand each and every friends granddaughter who was struck by a vehicle and was on life support, is now breathing on her own and as of this morning has awoken and is conscious! Praise many prayer request come to me each day and so many pray with me when I call upon them for assistance, when we see those prayers answered it is music to our is God showing us the power he has, showing us that no storm is to large when he is the lighthouse! What more do we need as proof that he exists? I continue to see doubters and wonder what they possibly have to doubt! Look around, look around, look around..he is every where! Thank you Father for allowing us to "be" for loving us so much, for being our beginning and end. I raise my arms to you and praise your name out loud for all that you are in my life!
     Today I ask again that we all be mindful of our mouths! Remember the old phrase..."sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt us!" I never quiet agreed with it, I can name many times I would have rather been stoned and beaten with sticks than to have heard the vile and nasty words that were being said about me! I am not perfect and I sometimes catch myself playing in to this, I catch myself spilling hurtful words out and then I weep with remorse for doing so. Think before you speak ask yourself, if these words deflect off of the person I am hurling them at...will they hurt me? If your lip and remain quiet until the "evil" goes away! Always look for the good in others and if you cannot muster any good up...walk away from them and "CHOOSE" not to be a part of their world!!! Today I make a vow to mind my mouth, to ask myself "what would Jesus do" in all situations and will turn and walk away if I feel my mouth is about to be on overload! Will you join me? Let us not be attend satan's party, let us deny the invite and stand fast in the shadow of God! I love each of you and ask you to pray with me this day for all of those in such need! God bless each of you abundantly:) 

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