drum roll please...DIET RESULTS FOR WEEK 1....

 Good morning and happy Tuesday! Wow, it is just beautiful out this morning, the sun has come up over the mountain, the sky a beautiful blue not a cloud to be seen, a titch of a breeze...just enough to sway the high up branches on the trees and 43 chilly degrees! Thank you Lord for allowing me the warmth of this home!
      Today as promised I am reporting on my DIET!!! I was so shocked when I began that it has taken me a week to get up the courage to talk about it, I think for a week I was in denial and actually called my scale a liar (to its face) I am still wearing the same clothes from a year ago and don't feel as if they fit an tighter but according to the scale I have gained near 20 pounds in the last year to put me at WHOPPING...287 pounds...okay I said it, it is out there for the entire world to see....yes 287 pounds...I was so embarrassed that I almost decided to leave the DIET info out of my blog but you know what...I think my shame just might be a helpmate in my weight loss! This last week we very hard for me "eat" wise as I, without even thinking would eat things that are on no diet that I have ever seen, and then I would have to "start over" I finally decided that it would be best to begin with the "cut back" on my intake, instead of full portions I began on half portions and when I got on the scale this morning I am weighing  in at 281!!! Yeah for me, 6 pounds...I now it is a very long way from the 130 pounds I have to lose but it is better than losing none at all! This week I am going to focus on leaving off sugary goodness, I am going to each only things with natural sugar so if I overdose on fruit...this is the reason! I am addicted to anything sugar:( So I am asking God to give me strength to pass it by! Thank you all for the support and I know the road will be a long one and I have to remember that Rome was not built in a day! I have a grandbaby coming in May and I WILL be in better shape physically than I am now! Doing it for me and my little grandbaby!!!

     This morning in prayer I said my usual prayers asking for God to bless each and every one of you with your needs, to look into your hearts and comfort the parts that are broken, to lay his hands upon your bodies and heal the parts that need healing, to look into your eyes and take away the parts that are sad, and then to look into your spirits and take away the negative, take away the doubt and replace it with renewed faith and truths. As I was coming to the end of my prayer I asked God, as I always do, to place me in a position today that will allow me to feel empathy and compassion for someone, that will allow me to reach out and pray for someone in need! I ask for this same blessing each day and he has yet to let me down! Praising his holy name for loving me! As I closed my prayer and lifted it to Jesus Christ for special delivery, a very urgent sense of sadness came over me, I cannot identify the meaning but I know that at some point today..God will help me identify it! God bless each of you with his never ending love, in the name of our savior Jesus Christ, amen.
    As always we are here to lift prayers for all, if you have a special prayer request we stand in the ready! You may leave the request here in the comment section or on facebook in my messages or on my main page! Face book search is Dawn Elise Ashley...my email is dawfor@msn.com please put in the subject line prayer request so that your request does not get deleted as junk. I look forward to hearing from you an know that mass prayer produces miracles! Peace be with you!

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